I'm almost through with my last tin of the 2021 year and it's glorious, to say the least. Looking for suggestions on another VaPer that is in the same class/quality.
Probably the next C&D release. Pretty much everything else is history at this point in time.I'm almost through with my last tin of the 2021 year and it's glorious, to say the least. Looking for suggestions on another VaPer that is in the same class/quality.
So C&D reign supreme?Probably the next C&D release. Pretty much everything else is history at this point in time.
Not really but will likely be the last brand standing with Mac Baren soon to be history and McClelland long gone.So C&D reign supreme?
For blends like this, yes. Cringle Flake is history as is McClelland. There are a few things C&D do very well. This is one of them.So C&D reign supreme?
Where can I find out release dates for the CRF?Watch City Cigar makes some excellent Red VA vaper blends.
Old Dominion
Rhythm and Blues
Act fast though because 558 and Old Dom will be history soon.
I think just keep buying CRF+P as often as possible and get as much as you can afford when you do.
Try Google or Instagram or calling C&D. People here also seem to know when it comes out. I don’t like CRF so I don’t pay attention to when it’s released.Where can I find out release dates for the CRF?
Usually drops sometime during the summer. Theres usually a post or review out with a release date in advance, we're months away from that so just save up some cash until then and blow it on the drop.Where can I find out release dates for the CRF?
The VaPer Anthology was awesome unfortunately I didn’t get enough of that one lolThinking back, C&D’s Anthology 1992-2022 was sort of CRF with Perique in disguise and Anthology 2023 was pretty much that year’s straight-VA CRF. I’m unsure if that pattern will repeat with future releases, but you might want to check out any future releases with the Anthology label (if there are any). If they’re a VaPer, they’ll likely have some of the magic you’re looking for.