Ok guys, I tried not to jump in but here I am. First of all, I would suggest you all to watch the video below, it is the best one describing the exact situation in Syria.
I hope Russia #ucks up Isis and turkey.
War Russia- Long live the USSR
Really? Turkey is one of the best partners of USA in the region. Although I don't support Turkish government, they have always been loyal to US excluding Iraq invasion. Well, that resulted with the famous
Hood Event (American soldiers covered the head of Turkish military personnel with hoods/sacks and interrogated them for 60 hours).
USSR? Have you ever been to USSR? I was born in USSR. Although it collapsed when I was a kid, I always hear lots of stories such as waiting in long queues to get bread or meat that has been left in the freezers from 1940s. Few months ago a man was telling me about his experience in abroad during USSR period. So he goes to UK in 1980s as a student, enters to a supermarket with his wife and sees everything being available. He says he was scared to buy, because he thought someone was watching and would arrest him for buying whatever he wanted. So he approaches to another customer and asks if he can buy whatever he wants, the guy says "of course, why not?". USSR deployed tanks, army in one night to kill innocent people on the streets of
Baku, Azerbaijan. They started a
war in the region just to be able to influence both countries whenever they want. Russia? Now? People are hungry, alcoholic and not working. People coming from Post-Soviet countries are providing the country with food, clothes, etc. I am not blaming the Russians, but the government. Russia wants to get into a war with Turkey? OK, but first tell them to withdraw all Russian prostitutes from Turkey and be ready to lose all Turkish businessmen providing Russia with the textile, fruits and vegetables. Turkey on the other hand will be losing, half of its tourists coming to the country. Let it not be Russians, but Europeans.