Russia is Attacking Latakia

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Jul 21, 2015
Fear and prejudice replaced liberalism and progression.
Sounds good so far. In my experience, liberalism and progress are used by charlatans to sell decidedly un-liberal ideas, namely control of the intelligent by the herd. This is why one should always be suspicious of flattering ideas.
I think what you might mean is that people who are blockheads are now in control. They will be the same even if they switch to being hippies who love the welfare state and female empowerment. They will just use those as their methods of stupidity instead.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2015
You are correct deathmetal. I wasn't really referring to the political party liberal term, so much as I meant tolerance and equality, openness to new ideas and to diversity of ideas and progress.

Perhaps liberal wasn't the right choice of words.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2015
A good start would be not murdering people due to their different beliefs, perception, traditions, sexual orientation, opinions, choice of clothing.

Once this part is achieved, prosperity and the rest will follow, including advanced education, technological evolution, financial stability, quality of life.



Feb 21, 2013
Most countries that go through horrors eventually restore order and equilibrium, however long that takes. Not to be starry eyed. Syria represents and whole array of issues, problems, catastrophes. However, if/when things settle out at some future time, it seems like this cash crop might be restored, just as an economic matter, if the agricultural base is still there -- rainfall, farming population, soil, environment, government support, transport, export ability and so on. Here's a crop that has generated millions for Syria in the past. Is it gone forever? Maybe, but it seems a distinct possibility at some point in the future.



Jul 21, 2015
I wasn't really referring to the political party liberal term, so much as I meant tolerance and equality, openness to new ideas and to diversity of ideas and progress.
I was keeping your meaning, actually. Liberalism in this context means allowing wide interpretations. I use the term as Francis Fukuyama used in it "The End of History" where he talks about liberal democracy, which includes most conservative views currently practiced, as the end point of human political evolution. Fascinating book, and very worth reading.



Apr 17, 2011
Russia should take that piece of land and go into the Latakia bussiness!

I hope Russia #ucks up Isis and turkey.

War Russia- Long live the USSR



Oct 18, 2013
Just a side note:
Turkey gets almost 60% of it's natural gas from Russia ... and it's winter.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Ok guys, I tried not to jump in but here I am. First of all, I would suggest you all to watch the video below, it is the best one describing the exact situation in Syria.
I hope Russia #ucks up Isis and turkey.

War Russia- Long live the USSR
Really? Turkey is one of the best partners of USA in the region. Although I don't support Turkish government, they have always been loyal to US excluding Iraq invasion. Well, that resulted with the famous Hood Event (American soldiers covered the head of Turkish military personnel with hoods/sacks and interrogated them for 60 hours).
USSR? Have you ever been to USSR? I was born in USSR. Although it collapsed when I was a kid, I always hear lots of stories such as waiting in long queues to get bread or meat that has been left in the freezers from 1940s. Few months ago a man was telling me about his experience in abroad during USSR period. So he goes to UK in 1980s as a student, enters to a supermarket with his wife and sees everything being available. He says he was scared to buy, because he thought someone was watching and would arrest him for buying whatever he wanted. So he approaches to another customer and asks if he can buy whatever he wants, the guy says "of course, why not?". USSR deployed tanks, army in one night to kill innocent people on the streets of Baku, Azerbaijan. They started a war in the region just to be able to influence both countries whenever they want. Russia? Now? People are hungry, alcoholic and not working. People coming from Post-Soviet countries are providing the country with food, clothes, etc. I am not blaming the Russians, but the government. Russia wants to get into a war with Turkey? OK, but first tell them to withdraw all Russian prostitutes from Turkey and be ready to lose all Turkish businessmen providing Russia with the textile, fruits and vegetables. Turkey on the other hand will be losing, half of its tourists coming to the country. Let it not be Russians, but Europeans.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Just a side note:
Turkey gets almost 60% of it's natural gas from Russia ... and it's winter.
Turkey started to find alternative ways. Since when does buyer lose in buyer-seller relationship when seller decides not to sell? Russia was filling its budget from oil, oil prices dropped significantly few months ago and Russia collapsed in only one month. Now they decide to lose another client. Then what? They are not going to sell Kalashnikovs to terrorists?



Jan 27, 2013
"Guys, Syria stopped producing Latakia like 10 years ago"
that has been my understanding, Jackswilling.
For my money Russia is there now! This guy ain't leaving. People are not listening to this guy. He says the same things Hitler did. The exact same things! Long live the USSR? Russia is not your friend partner. Not under Putin. He survived and thrived in the military hell of Afganistan, went on to work his way to the top of the KGB, runs Russia currently with a death grip! Although he denies it, recent information in a German paper says he is a Georgian just like Joseph Stahlin.
One thing about Putin though, unlike our President, if you mess with him or his (or even what he wants) he will knock the hell outa ya if he thinks he can get away with it.
Now the Red Chinese are in there too. It just gets better and better. Our foreign policy sucks! Putin thinks 12 steps ahead of Obama in a game we cannot afford to be passive about. But then again, the biggest evil the US military faces is climate change, uh or was that global warming? uh, no it is climate change. Watch boys and girls, at no time do my fingers leave my hands 8O



Feb 21, 2013
It all started with Stalin smoking Royal Yacht. No Latakia. From then on, the Russians missed the point. We need to send them some Nighcap and 965 to give them cause to reconsider. Just kidding, though it's not a funny situation. What a horror story. Worse and worse.



Jul 21, 2015
He says the same things Hitler did.
No, Putin is committed to multiculturalism and his daughter married a Jewish oligarch. He's not Hitler.
Maybe all Russian leaders are alike because the Russian people haven't changed since they decided long ago it was easier to intermarry with Mongols than fight them.
The solution to Russia is the same as the solution to any other third world nation.



Jul 21, 2015
Me too, perhaps the OP is too young too remember anything of the USSR.
It's very important to the Left to revitalize the idea of Communism.
The reason for this is -- oh wait, wrong forum. N/M.



Jan 27, 2013
No, Putin is committed to multiculturalism and his daughter married a Jewish oligarch. He's not Hitler.
You want to bet. He wants whatever it will take to reaccomplish the USSR. He speaks in terms of "We want no Czecks!". My point is Hitler claimed the same things , all the time he was after Eastern Europe. Arthur Neville Chamberlain thought he could be negotiated with. Appeasement at any price. You let Putin in and he will not leave.
Call it multiculturalism or whatever. He is not benign! Watch how long it takes him to recall his resources out of Syria.

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