Here's a writeup on UBB code:Bold: [ b ]bold[ /b ]
Italics: [ i ]italics[ /i ]
Underline: [ u ]underline[ /u ]
* [ url ][ /url ]
* [ url= ]WordPress[ /url ]
* [ img ][ /img ]
* [ img=Code is Poetry ][ /img ]
* [ quote ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,[ /quote ]
* [ quote=NAME ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[ /quote ]
* [ quote="NAME" ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[ /quote ]
* [ quote author=NAME ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[ /quote ]
* [ quote author="NAME" ]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[ /quote ]
* [ color="red" ]named red[ /color ]
* [ color="ff0000" ]hex red[ /color ]
* [ color=#ff0000 ]hex red again[ /color ]
Strikeout:[ s ]strike this out[ /s ]
Center Text:[ center ]center me[ /center ]
Computer code:[ code ]function HelloWorld($greet = 'World') { return 'Hello '.$greet } [ /code ]
Font size: [ size=10 ]10px font size[ /size ]
Ordered lists: [ ol ][ li ][ /li ][ /ol ]
Unordered lists: [ ul ][ li ][ /li ][ /ul ]
List Item: [ li ]item[ /li ]
Named Spoiler: [ spoiler=two plus two ]four[ /spoiler ]
Unnamed Spoiler: [ spoiler ]Boo![ /spoiler ]
Contents appear to logged in users only: [ user ]This is a secret message[ /user ]
Contents appear to non-logged in users only: [guest]Log in to see secret message...[/guest]
And reminds us:a blockquote code em strong ul ol li img font strike center u hr.
You will see that in a message at the bottom of the post window.You can also put code in between backtick ( ` ) characters.
I linked to an easy interpretation of the spec for the HTML tags so you can see additional options, which the forum may or may not support.URL: 〈 a href="" 〉 〈 /a 〉
Quote: 〈 blockquote 〉 〈 /blockquote 〉
Code: 〈 code 〉 〈 /code 〉
Emphasis/usually Italics: 〈 em 〉 〈 /em 〉
Bold: 〈 strong 〉 〈 /strong〉
Numeric list: 〈 ol 〉 〈 li 〉 〈 /li 〉 〈 /ol 〉
Bullet points: 〈 ul 〉 〈 li 〉 〈 /li 〉 〈 /ul 〉
Image: 〈 img src="" 〉
Font: 〈 font size="" color="" 〉 〈 /font 〉
Strikeout: 〈 strike 〉 strike this out 〈 /strike 〉
Center: 〈 center 〉 this text floats 〈 /center 〉
Underline: 〈 u 〉 〈 /u 〉
Horizontal rule: 〈 hr size="" 〉
Not at all. I am chiefly an Oriental forward and Virginia blend smoker, but think all genres are great! I have many aros that I love, so maybe you are a chiefly aro smoker that occasionally samples other genres. Nothing wrong with that. :Q1-A and Trout Stream remain securely enshrined on my tobacco shelf (along with tins of Molto Dolce, Cult, Autumn Evening, Lane's Ready Rubbed). Hope this doesn't cause anyone to scream "Tasteless ignoramus!" and tear out their hair.
I smoked a bowl of Hearth & Home Chatham Manor and then Mac Baren 7 Seas Regular yesterday in the evening.Q1-A and Trout Stream remain securely enshrined on my tobacco shelf (along with tins of Molto Dolce, Cult, Autumn Evening, Lane's Ready Rubbed). Hope this doesn't cause anyone to scream "Tasteless ignoramus!" and tear out their hair.
Often that happens for me with the blends I end up loving and craving; e.g., OJK and JKP and Semois were like that.With Royal Yacht, it took me a couple weeks to understand what I was smoking and come to appreciate it ...
I have been converted to this view of most plugs. It takes more effort but it produces a smoke with greater depth of flavor.My favorite approach with JackKnife has been to slice it very thin, about 1/32″, and rub it completely into a fine shag. Filling the pipe carefully, not packing too tightly, results in a wonderful, cool, effortless smoke, and the fine cut seems to enhance the sweetness of the virginias and bring out the subtle, natural perfume of the dark-fired Kentucky leaf.