Rotating between blends

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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
I have 26 open blends at the moment. and 82 different tobacco blends on hand overall. In the last week, from memory, I've had at least one bowl of each of the following:
Anniversary Kake - a VaPer

Cult Blood Red Moon - an Aromatic

Peter Heinrich's Special Curly - a VaPer

Lane Limited Dark Red - an Aromatic

John Middleton's Prince Albert - a Burley blend

Esoterica Stonehaven - a VaBur

Motzek Strange - a VaBurPer

McClelland Tudor Castle - a Virginia blend

McClelland Blue Mountain - a Balkan

Balkan Sobranie - a Balkan

Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug - a Virginia
So that's 11 different blends this week.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Currently around 60 jars in open rotation. I just smoke whatever bites me at the moment. No rhyme or reason just impulse.



Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
@pipesmokingtom, we have approximately the same number of blends and the same exact method. It's good to see a brethren spirit out there. Once I started jarring tobacco, I figured I should have access to many, many blends. I put one in the cellar and I leave one out on my desk of pipes and tobaccos. I want to feel like I am at the B&M every time I choose a tobacco.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Open as much as you can. When I started to smoke, I was having 2 or 3 blends open at a time like you do, right now I have 16 open blends and I still want to open more. That's they way humans evolve. We have to explore new things, new planets, new universes and of course new blends.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I smoke about twelve bowls a day, and I very seldom smoke the same tobacco or the same pipe twice in a row. I move from one genre to another with the majority of my smokes as well. Changing flavor profiles from smoke to smoke keeps me interested, and helps refresh my palate as well. I have 40 to 50 blends open at the moment, but that number will go up because I'll be reviewing new to me samples this week. The most I had open at one time was 158.

Jul 28, 2016
Mister Jiminks' I'm always on the look out for your reviews of various tobaccoes, find em'informative and like your very professional approach. I do value them high here and likewise on the ,Thank you for your efforts and keep up the good work'as saying goes. Think,You are one of those rare experts out there.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Jim is our resident legend. He did, however, once accused me of having kryptonian DNA for calling HH Bold Kentucky a "mild tobacco". :D



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Paulie: thank you for the kind words.
ChasingEmbers: thank you for the first sentence. As for the second sentence: :nana: :rofl:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 23, 2015
There are plenty of ways to go about your smoking pattern. Two main ones though imo.
Smoke the same stuff all day everyday in the same pipe that is cake blocked and scorched worse than the devil hooves and turn up your nose to new blends, like a proper old sod of the good ol' days!
Or don't be boring git and wet your beak a little and explore a few different blends over a week, while maintaining regular use of your favourite blend.
As for me, I smoke mainly Nightcap atm, I have a bunch jars of other heavy latakia blends and some random stuff just to change the mood should I feel like it most of the time. I think atm I have a Nightcap jar, an Ashton artisan mixture jar, Solani aged Burely flake jar (because I'm trying out some pure Burley), some maple brown twist to chew in another and some Samuel Gawith Cabbies mixture in twist form in another just because it looks cool.
And I smoke one pipe most of the day on most days. Suits me fine, bit gurgly at tmes but no biggy. Sometimes pull a different pipe out my collection for a different blend etc at night just for the sake of using them. Good to keep it simple I reckon, smoke my latakia stuff in my fave pipe all day and maybe go for something different when I'm bored at night. Keeps me happy.



Sep 14, 2011
Hi,how would you think if it advisable new smoker to rotate, say between two various blends during the week(for instance keeping open a tin of English mixture and Virgina flake) or may it be better to finish one tin and only then go and crak open another type of a blend.Thank you for your thoughs.
For a new smoker, I would suggest one at a time. Get to know that blend a bit before you move onto something else. I have seen plenty of posts here from guys that try to smoke half-a-dozen different things right out of the box,and it confuses them. :puffy:



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
+1 on what Jud has offered.

A beginner is learning about everything from scratch. Some have expectations based upon reading forums, watching videos, or from acquaintances.

By staying with one blend at first, admittedly one of reasonable quality, you begin to notice that you taste the tobacco differently from bowl to bowl, and that this depends upon all sorts of variables.

You're learning to use your palate.

You might also be smoking your tongue, but that is sometimes part of the learning curve, and it's not the tobacco's fault. Changing tobacco won't cure a cooked tongue.

If your pipe gets hot, let it go out.

If your pipe goes out, try to understand why.

Most of the time for me it's because I packed too tightly. Even those bowls CAN be rescued with a few lucky piercings of the contents with the pointy end of a Czechs tool.



Dec 7, 2011
+1 on pipesmokingtom's first entry! Absolutely the same here!
All the above posts led me to actually count jars I have open... a quick, cursory glance: it's gotta be at least 50 different blends. And after that, it's all a matter of inspiration, mood in the moment, and joie de vivre! 70% of the time, I pick the perfect blend for that particular moment. I love having the variety. Oh... and there's no strict regimentation here like a rotating schedule. Also, if I hate a blend initially, I have found that if I just wait and return to it at odd intervals, even up to a year, many times miracles happen and what was once a loathsome blend initially becomes a favorite!



Jul 24, 2012
Panama City, Florida
I started smoking only one. Then, like many I added virtually everything I could get my hands on. After a few months decided 30 + was too much hassle. For me, it took away from my enjoyment. Today, I have 6 in rotation. I think that's about right for me.



Sep 16, 2016
Great thread and lots of great information! Should have read this before I posted my question today.

May 4, 2015
Great thread and lots of great information! Should have read this before I posted my question today.
Nah. We like repeating ourselves. If we didn't, we wouldn't have much to talk about. Worry not.



Feb 21, 2013
Despite my moderate, gradual smoking, I have about 30-40 blends available in open tins or jars, and that again in sealed jars. An unopened tin can sit around with me for...years. A number of those available are samples sent by generous Forums members.

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