So, I have my little "man cave" off the garage of our town house, and this is where I smoke my pipes, keep my tobacco, and yell at hockey games (when there are hockey games to yell at). Now, even with the garage door open, some of my smoke will waft up to the living room, Science and all. Over the past week, with the lady and I spending more and more time at home at the same times, the room notes of some of my smokes have been met with different levels of acceptance. The few aromatics I have all pass muster, no real surprise there. The Virginians also fly under the radar, I'm guessing because they burn cleaner than a lot of other tobaccos I have, but what do I know? Had a bowl of The Country Squire's Shepherd's Pie last night, and that was met with one word being shouted down the stairwell- STINKS!! Of course, that is still better than the reaction I got to a bowl of Dan Tobacco's Gordon Pym the other night, one that jokingly (sort of) suggested that if I wanted her to give back the ring, just keep smoking the Gordon Pym and she would be happy to oblige. So, has anyone else made any discoveries in their own personal pipe world since all this began?