Tobacco is tobacco. Stuff a pipe, stuff a tube, roll it, grind it up and snort's all the same stuff. The difference is in the attitude of the consumers. I've actually heard pipers claim their walls don't turn brown because pipe tobacco is superior to that nasty, foul, evil weed they use for cigarettes. Absolutely Ridiculous.
I actually got in to pipe smoking by means of RYO in my search for pipe tobaccos suitable for making cigarettes after the huge increase in cigarette tobacco. Somewhere along the line, I stuffed a pipe and loved it too.
My point is, with the exception of rather goopy and nasty PG laden aromatics (I don't find them desirable in a pipe either). most all tobacco is dual purpose in a tube or a pipe. And the more snobbish of the group would be simply amazed to learn how well their revered favorites fair in a tube or rolling paper. Absolutely Delicious.
My advice to the OP is to experiment to your heart's content and a whole new world will open up. Find yourself a good base tobacco (I recommend looking at D&R blends) then start playing around with blending in different pipe tobaccos and see if you enjoy it. Don't be afraid to try it. The only real barier is cut, which can easily be modified.
I found that my personal tastes enjoy straight virginias, virginia blends and VaPers in a tube just as much as burley blends. And I occasionally have a hankering for dark fired or latakia in a cig. Cornell & Diehl has a pretty consistent ribbon cut across their line of tobaccos and they stuff/roll very well. Also, a lot of pipesandcigar blends are fantastic. And don't be afraid to try spiking a cig with an aromatic either. I find that adding a touch of a Stokkebye aromatic blend (such as Hazelnut or Nougat) to a base of virginia/burley makes for some really fine flavored cigarettes for a change of pace. Just keep experimenting and you'll find what you like.