RYO places, combined all sorts of stuff into their cigarettes. I saw one guy just dumping the large cans of PA into the machine, and another guy I remember seeing would always use the RYO club's shredder to rip down cigars to add to his cigs. Custom mixing the tobaccos to inject into the tubes is a big part of that hobby. It's not just rolling tobacco into paper, these RYO places have industrial machines that automate the whole process. I would think that an RYO page or forum would have people with more experience with using different tobaccos in the tubes that we would, as the pipe is the main part of our hobby. And, I don't hear people often on here encouraging people to inhale. Even though some people inhale (do what you want), I don't think it is something that most of us want to encourage in the hobby. Especially, if we are going to keep touting the healthy benefits of the hobby.