I guess my point is, it really doesn't matter if they're female or not, and the fact that people get upset when females are cast in roles like this is probably a good reason to emphasize doing so - to normalize it.
I don't particularly see an agenda, the fact that it's weird for people to see females in leading roles like this is weird in and of itself and speaks to how women have been treated in film. It really shouldn't be a thing that brings out the torches, but it does, time and again, and that's a problem. Many Bothans can still die to get the plans!
Ghostbusters may be another topic but, whatever. Bill Murray approved, good enough for me.
And Lucas stumbled across a good thing and required a lot of people smarter than he was to get the original trilogy as good as it was. No one thought it was going to be a hit. Then he gets free reign and makes 1-3, some of the worst films ever put to celluloid and considers himself a holier-than-thou auteur. He's a dud. He just got surrounded by a lot of smart people for the first trilogy.