On my way home from work today, I saw an elderly fella sitting next to a minivan with a table displaying random knives that he was selling. Normally I dont pay much attention to these road side vendors, because they are usually hocking crappy chinese junk, as was this case. But, he was smoking a pipe and had three other pipes on the table next to him. So I pulled over and looked at his wares and began talking to the old fella. He is an old Korean war vet who has travelled and done many things. So I sat down on the ground, filled my pipe and offered him to fill his from my pouch, and he did. I sat and listened to the fella tell tales and enjoyed a smoke together. Interesting guy with lots of good stories, selling odd knives to make ends meet because his retirement and social security are hardly enough to live on. He likes his Middleton Cherry and would prefer a better pipe than the brylons he has now, but sold his pipes to folks looking for estates pipes at too cheap of a price to replace them. I think I'm gonna grab a hand full of cobs and drop them too him. If he is in the same place tomorrow.