Thanks, Jesse. You told me some things I didn't know about Fox. Another name I've heard bandied was Gretchen Carlson. I guess she's gone too. I have never heard exactly what were the charges in these complaints though, comments, ludeness, groping?
As to the smoke thing, accusing someone is one thing, proving it is another. And conversely, not seeing any smoke doesn't mean there isn't anything there. Sure, it seems odd that Fox has been hit with several sex/harassment charges, but they are apparently between two people, both gone now, but nothing was ever proven in court with evidence, but that doesn't mean there wasn't anything there. But I won't convict someone based on accusations and circumstances alone, whatever my suspicions, there is probably some truth in there, but there are also many who would like to destroy Fox. The real truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
All I know is that if I wanted to harass anyone there, it would not be any of those who left, but some of the ones still there! :

: Greg Gutfeld better watch himself, he might be next!