RIP Hugh Hefner.

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Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Warren has it correct. The mother consented.
I'm guessing the mortality police don't like him, but I really don't care what uptight folks like or don't like.
To each his own. And I owned quite a few years worth of Playboy.



Can't Leave
May 5, 2015
Yeah, the mothers consented and one even took the pictures. But Hefner published them. What possible defense could there be for that? There's no valid reason for sexualized nude pictures of 10- and 11-year old girls in makeup to be published in a men's magazine that specializes in nude pictorials. So hell yes it's a morality issue, and it's really surprising that anyone would defend it on the grounds of parental consent. It's child abuse to pimp out images of your preteen daughter to an unethical publisher.
Totally separate issue from consenting women over 18.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Lamar, read the court docs. I'm not defending it, just explaining it. I'm not sure why I'm trying because I don't care if you're offended by it or him. It is what it is.



Feb 21, 2013
The Playboy Mansion got pretty seedy early-on. Remember, the original mansion was in Chicago, not L.A. According to one recent article, one woman (probably many) were commanded to leave by "security" if they rejected the advances of random guys. How uncool, unhip can you get? You get high-handed with money or sex and things go downhill fast and inevitably.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I'm not defending, I'm simply pointing out, different people have different moral values. Some of us, I well understand, feel morally superior to others. Hefner made a lot of money challenging the moral ethos of the day. People resent having their moral values challenged. Moral judging is one of the tools we all use in determining who we will or will not socialize with. I much prefer judging through the prism of legal? Not legal? The vocal/public moralizing. judging of people and their sexual preferences? I'll leave that to others. Of course I have my personal thoughts but, they, in interest of peace on the board, are best left unwritten.
I admire Hefner simply because he lived his life as he saw fit. I tend to admire that in a person. His moral values really do not enter into that judgement.
An aside: If one accepts an invitation to an orgy, isn't participation expected (I have no personal knowledge of the proprieties of an orgy). I've not seen any assertions stating that people were forced to attend parties at "the mansion." Sports fans are often escorted out of a venue for improper behavior. People are often escorted out of bars because they were not drinking/s[ending money. Before theaters became social venues unruly customers were often asked to leave.
A person just hanging around, watching the sexual escapades would be called a... voyeur. A lot of people would consider a voyeur to be a deviant. Of course some of the participants might be exhibitionists and welcome a voyeur. Damn! It'd be rough work being security at the Playboy Mansion. Who to toss? Who to let stay? Who's offended? Who's gratified? Damn!



Oct 12, 2011
You get high-handed with money or sex and things go downhill fast and inevitably.
Key words are "You get high" then things go in many directions. I'm sure a lot of Ludes/reds/placidills(downers) were aplenty back then...



Feb 21, 2013
What makes me think that no one laid a hand on Hef's daughter if she stopped by to partake of the buffet at the mansion. Different when it's your daughter, sister, etc. Now she runs the corporation.

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