That guy is a genetic tankyou know if they drop the big bombs the world will be Keith teaching the roaches how to play guitar.
That guy is a genetic tankyou know if they drop the big bombs the world will be Keith teaching the roaches how to play guitar.
Dylan is still alive and facing some serious legal troubles.Has Bob Dylan died then or David Crosby?
There great American Songwriters
56 years later this woman claims this……. I smell something afoul here. Too many people want the easy money nowadays.Dylan is still alive and facing some serious legal troubles.
I rolled my eyes when I heard it.56 years later this woman claims this……. I smell something afoul here. Too many people want the easy money nowadays.
Brian was first................ IMO, the stones died when he died.One of my favorites of theirs. “Dead Flowers,” too.
We all knew the day was coming soon when one of them would be gone, but I’d have never put my money on Charlie being the first. I’d have definitely said Kieth or Mick first. Though, Kieth’s organs might be so well pickled that he outlives all of us.
The world of rock and roll is definitely left more diminished by Charlie’s passing.
Yeah, true. I guess I tend to think of the “current” band members, since Brian Jones died before I was even born.Brian was first................ IMO, the stones died when he died.
damn youngsters!! I kid............... ?Yeah, true. I guess I tend to think of the “current” band members, since Brian Jones died before I was even born.
exactly56 years later this woman claims this……. I smell something afoul here. Too many people want the easy money nowadays.