I received my package today from P&C with several new blends for the trying. On a whim I ordered two oz of the Luxury Bulls Eye Flake. I'm now wishing I'd ordered more! This is my first Virgina Flake and I'm so very hooked. I really enjoy English blends but I may enjoy this even more. The note in the bag was slightly sweet and earthy. I took out two coins, folded in half once and stuffed them loosely into my pipe. The char light was sweet and mellow and I knew that I was in for a really nice smoke. The best way I can describe this smoke is clean and flavorful. The tobacco flavor is even and smooth. The occasional sweet spots as the ember got down into the cavendish centers was nice and I found myself looking forward and hoping that there would be another one left to burn through. This is not a light smoke, but the vit. n is just right, not a head spinner but present. I did find that it could burn hot if I got too excited in my pace. The only down fall or thing that I found that wished was more present was the weight of the smoke. It wasn't a very creamy or heavy smoke but it wasn't lacking altogether. The after taste of this blend is very clean on the pallet. I would recommend this to someone looking to make a switch to the non aromatic blends. I can see myself smoking this one quite often as it hits all the right buttons for me.