Reuben Charatan’s Make

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Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
I'm a stubborn insomniac, so I apologise for my English being so wonky every now and then.
It is mere exhaustion. Some years later I purchased this pipe and box from the late Ken Barnes.
We were on very good terms and I still miss him sorely. I bought quite some pipes from him, we then discussed and exchanged thoughts and opinions about restoring them etc.
This pipe is from 1958 ; he showed it to Barry Jones ( James Upshall ) who instantly recognised the blast being from that one particular year ! Imagine such knowledge and experience; those were the days gents.The pipe came to me in almost unsmoked condition and the taste of bare briar was still very much present. Actually I like that taste a lot .
If you want to learn about Ch. pipes and enjoy Ken's fountain of knowledge, utter kindness and humility :

This was Jesse's ( Sablebrush ) painstaking work; it took him many days ( weeks ? ) to preserve, organise and put this together and I owe him immense gratitude . Cheers Jesse :)
When somewhat recovered I will post better pics.
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Sep 21, 2022
The pipe does look like a Caminetto Sable D'or..the bent, the is it smoking?
Have not seen pre-Lane Charatans.
Thanks! It smokes great, though I've had tree allergies (in Japan) the last month and haven't been able to smoke (they're almost over hopefully).


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 22, 2024
I’m very happy with the restoration by “Shae Hemingway” who sells on ETSY. His work is just excellent. This pipe comes from him. I guess this is a Reuben. The blast on this is what sucked me in but I think the stem-work on this looks good too. View attachment 289683
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My goodness, this plant must have suffered a lot. But precisely for this reason it must have generated a grim briar, used to resisting everything.
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