Don't know if this should be in maintenance or not. Just wondering if it's a normal thing to reshape your pipe stems. I'm about to try it on my wellington, I want a bit more of a curve on it, it would sit in my mouth a lot better.
I'd like to do it to my Brigham as well, Brigham's bent stems aren't very bent, I like a nice bend in a pipe. Is this a recommended thing? The way i'm about to try it is dipping my stem in boiling water to soften the rubber. Is there a risk of closing off the air flow?
I'd like to do it to my Brigham as well, Brigham's bent stems aren't very bent, I like a nice bend in a pipe. Is this a recommended thing? The way i'm about to try it is dipping my stem in boiling water to soften the rubber. Is there a risk of closing off the air flow?