Request for an Oriental

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Can't Leave
I'm about to place an order, and I'd like to investigate Orientals. I know very little about them, and in practical respects (ie smoking), nothing. The order will consist of a tin of Pirate Kake, my first cake tobacco and I'm told I will love it, and I want to add two Orientals, one mild and one bold.

These would be my introduction to the genre, so nothing esoteric or hard to get. Thanks to all. The majority will rule as to my selection.


Might Stick Around
Aug 2, 2023
Or even better for bold as the Orientals come through better - Wilke Mediterranean Nights. It’s got a stout nic kick though. Even more than honor blend.
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Part of the Furniture Now
If you want to explore the taste of oriental tobaccos without the distraction of latakia, i'd recommend a few:
- MM Luminaire is one of my new favorites.
- GLP Geometrie
- C&D Steamworks
If you like Vapers, i'd also throw in an honorable mention for 4th Generation ES Twilight.

A fun journey ahead. There are some great ones out there. These are the ones i've been loving lately. Enjoy!


Can't Leave
Oct 14, 2023
United States
Samuel Gawith Skiff. It has maybe 30% Latakia and Virginias, the rest is all spicy/floral Orientals. Let it dry for like 2 days. It's great. Also, McConnell's Oriental and EMP are pretty good too. A little under the radar, Mac Baren's Balkan has a strong, buttery oriental presence-a favorite of mine as a Balkan. Gl Pease Charing Cross, the most complex of all thus far. I'm not sure exactly how you mean, but most Orientals come with Latakia and at least some Virginias. Not all though.
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Part of the Furniture Now
If you fancy ordering from overseas, I've not found a blend that better highlights Orientals than HU Flanagan Flake.
This one's on my to-try list. One of these days... ;)

Edit: I decided to go try to see if they were shipping here, but alas, the site note says, quote:
This order cannot be completed at the moment. (No tobacco products (category "pipe tobacco") can be shipped within the EU. Please remove the tobacco from the shopping cart.)
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Can't Leave
If you want to explore the taste of oriental tobaccos without the distraction of latakia, i'd recommend a few:
- MM Luminaire is one of my new favorites.
- GLP Geometrie
- C&D Steamworks
If you like Vapers, i'd also throw in an honorable mention for 4th Generation ES Twilight.

A fun journey ahead. There are some great ones out there. These are the ones i've been loving lately. Enjoy!
I'm looking forward to the journey, too! Thanks for your input. I notice that C&D Steamworks has popped up in the suggestions quite a lot so I think I'll give that one a try this time around.


Can't Leave
If you fancy ordering from overseas, I've not found a blend that better highlights Orientals than HU Flanagan Flake.
That might be an adventure. I cannot order within Canada as all of the provinces have different taxation laws and interprovincial shipping of tobacco is prohibited. As you'd guess, British Columbia, where I live, is the highest taxed of all and thus has the highest tobacco prices. So if I order, I have to order from the States. Same taxation. So, maybe I'll give Europe a shot in the near future. Thanks for your suggestion.

Also, as further information, taxation is by weight, and I believe that right now, taxation is about 32 cents PER GRAM. So it doesn't help to buy cheap tobacco. Same taxation rate. So when I order from the US I buy premium stuff. Bulk is not worthwhile because cheaper blends are taxed at the same rate.
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