Well now upon the escudo sitting in a jar it's started to transform in flavor, and having smoked it in 3 different VaPer pipes I have it's definitely different than LBF. For the price point though I'd go with LBF over escudo from a price standpoint. I've never smoked LBF without the cavendish center but I know the sweetness from the cavendish will forever be apart of the flavor even if poked out as sitting in rope form before it's cut, plus after the flavors have married indefinitely. From a perspective view, it's hard to tell between LBF and Escudo except the cavendish center, or if even different tobacco is used, the escudo tends to have as many stems woven into the coin as LBF. The coins of both are also exactly the same and you can tell the same machinery is used to produce them. So on a quality plus deal plus the feel of the smoke, I would go with LBF if I had to choose between the two. For something I'll buy because it's unique and only tinned, I'll go with St. James Woods by McClellend's as the representative VaPer. It's the first VaPer I smoked and I didn't even know that it had perique in it or what a VaPer was. It just had this dry woody note with the figs and plum plus the dark stoved Va has alot more going on for me then escudo. Still not a bad smoke or not worthy of praise, I'd give it an 8/10 on a year old tin only popped 2 days ago, so it may change once oxygen has done it's thing even better. Just for the dollar I'd go with LBF if cost was an issue.