Sounds like you're having a hard time Chaffers, that sounds draconian. Still, you have so much more than what has traditionally been available for pipesmokers just starting out; you have the entirety of the internet. There are so many resources available for you here, you just need to sort the wheat from the chaff.
I'm sure you're on top of this already since you're posting here, but still:
Glynn Quelch, UK tobacco blender
As someone who started out not too long ago myself, I recognize the difficulties in trying to get a 'baseline' on what the different kinds of tobaccos taste like, and I couldn't imagine trying to remedy that, blind, inside a tobaccconists.
With that in mind, I'm going to make a couple of suggestions based on what I think is available to you there. The european countries, at least the three where I've been activly chasing tobaccos, seem to have mostly the same brands available: Dunhill, MacBaren, Samuel Gawith, Solani and Rattray's. Other brands like Fribourg&Treyer, STG, Kohlhouse&Kopp or Holger Danske, may pop up depending on the store and location, but those first five are the big players and they are able to supply a full selection.
Dunhill, Early Morning Pipe (mild)
Dunhill, Nightcap (strong)
Samuel Gawith, Squadron Leader
Samuel Gawith, Skiff Mixture
Dunhill, London Mixture
Straight Virginia:
Samuel Gawith, Full Virginia Flake
Dunhill, Flake
Virginia/Perique (VaPer):
MacBaren, HH Acadian Perique
Rattray's, Hal O' The Wynd
Rattray's, Marlin Flake
Dunhill, Elizabethan Mixture
Solani, Aged Burley Flake
MacBaren, Scottish Blend
At least that lets you rattle of a few names the next time you're in the shop. Check them out on TobaccoReviews, you'll have five people complaining about how hot the tobacco burns to every five people claiming it's like an ice cube in their pipe but there are some common characteristics that keep repeating through the reviews.
P.S. I'm in Sweden, send me a pm if you want some creative ways to get ahold of imports from the colonies.