Replacing Missing Wood---Heavily Damaged Patent Dunhill (pic heavy)

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Jan 21, 2014
That's truly some excellent handiwork! Can you share with us what epoxy was used in this magical process?

And was the draft hold breached at any point? looks like it may have gotten awfuul close, but you just used your pipe making wizardry to stay clear of it!



Mar 7, 2013
Can you share with us what epoxy was used in this magical process?
West System's G-Flex. It is microscopically flexible, which is important when the parts being connected will expand and contract from cyclical heating & cooling + cyclical humidity changes. The enormous tensile strength of the diamond-hard varieties (like T-88) actually works against a long-term bond in those situations, because the glue never moving would cause the wood fibers it's attached to to slowly shear over time.
And was the draft hole breached at any point? looks like it may have gotten awful close
Nope. Bit of luck, there. If it had intersected the airway, the right fix would have required over-boring it slightly and then sleeving with stainless steel tubing to prevent the tars & etc created by smoking from attacking/softening the wood around the epoxy. That wouldn't have been a problem in itself---an ss-sleeved airway smokes no differently than a wooden one, and is easier to keep clean in the bargain---but it would have been visible when the stem was removed as a silver ring in the bottom of the mortise. As it is, the repair is undetectable. (Even knowing it was there I couldn't find it using magnification after refinishing. Not sure if a black light would show something... I didn't think to use one before shipping the pipe back to its owner.)

@MLC Those memes are hilarious, I am going to post it on my FB and link to the thread.
@George, I just read your older comment in the thread about being allergic to briar dust. Thank you sir for being awesome as The Pipe Wizard for the pipe community. If you ever decide to take up an apprentice, you know my number and my email address :)

Chris :puffpipe:



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
George: Check out this Reborn Pipes blog on a repaired GBD. It look like someone attempted a similar repair (but not to your achievement)?



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I received the pipe last week and just had to have a bowl. It smoked great and now is resting in a sleeve to go back in my pipe cabinet when I get home. The work is nothing short of phenomenal. Having George attend to it was the best decision I've made since I chose to retire. I'm sure that the folks at Dunhill would be awed.

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