You missed the point. 1 tin of Tobacco provides about 20 pipefuls or 20 smokes. Much more economical that a premium cigar.
Let’s not forget the overwhelming flavors and nuances to be found also in pipe tobacco.
Growing up in America, it’s like at some point, you’ll run into the cigarette, cigar, or pipe smokers and possibly follow those directions, I certainly did.
I started with Cigars in the very beginning of the 90s, and I was buying the premium cigars.
I eventually quit, because the overwhelming tastes to be found in pipe tobacco, cigars couldn’t compete. I also didn’t want to keep dishing out $15-$20 a cigar either.
I’m happy, that back then, in Castro’s day when he was still running, Cuba, I got to experience that culture/history, Cuba at it’s finest. I bought a Cohiba Robusto for $20, an amazing cigar, and holy crap the nicotine, just holding it your mouth, not smoking it, I would get really buzzed with it in my mouth. LOL ?
At least I got to smoke, experience the cigars that Castro himself smoked when he was alive, I’ll always remember it.
If I want a cigar now, I’ll instead buy some of Vincent Manil’s tabac and stuff my pipe with it!