Last night was the first meeting of the (insert catchy name here) here in Regina and a great time was had. Morton, Yaddy306, and myself met up at a local watering hole to smoke some pipes, swap some blends, and have a merry ole time. Morton is the brew master there so his recommendations of ales was great.
I had met Morton before but had only spoken with Yaddy through this site and its amazing to find what a small world it is. Between the three of us we knew many of the same people and had similar interests outside of pipe smoking. It was really cool to hear about each others backgrounds and the different paths we have walking in life only to find us all gathered at the same table sharing a mutual passion.
I got to try 2 tobacco I had never tried before, a bowl of Carter Hall thanks to Yaddy, and a wee bowl of Brown Boggie rope thanks to Morton(which I am still feeling the effects of it lol). Yaddy got into a bowl of my Beacon Extra while Morton enjoyed his first bowl of 5100 Red Cake.
I was a great time with a couple of great guys and its one I hope we repeat soon and often. Cheers lads!