An important viewpoint to consider...make of it what you will. Think it's all nonsense? Fine...feel free to ignore...time will tell.
The Great Taking
And free book:
95 years later and economists argue over what caused the Great Depression.
A conservative was President.
We had the real gold standard in force, and in full effect
Instead of welfare, social security and all entitlement programs the counties maintained poor farms and the churches ran charitable aid societies.
We were paying down the small national debt, with a yearly surplus
Congress had cut taxes several times during the twenties
There’d been a brief recession in the early twenties but the last severe depression had been 1907.
When we read their newspapers they didn’t really believe they were in a Depression in 1930.
In 1931 they thought prosperity was just around the corner.
By 1932 even Hoover was throwing money at it. Hoover began almost every federal bureaucracy Roosevelt used to pour money with a fire hose instead of a garden hose.
In March 1933 when Roosevelt was sworn in the American economy was half of 1929, and falling.
Ever look up and see a mass of swirling black birds in the sky, where they make a long, black column? They’ll twist and turn and go every which way,,,,,in unison.
The American people by general consent had refused to buy anything but necessities for three and a half years.
Why the people decided to start buying things again in spring 1933 is a mystery too, but they did.
Yet in 1937 the people stopped spending again, not for long, but enough to cause a 33% plunge in economic output. Then in 1938 they began to buy things again.
When you see some younger geezer my age in charge of things, they grew up blanketed with Great Depression stories from their grandparents and parents.
But since I can remember in my lifetime, the recessions of the first two oil shocks in 1974 and 1980 and the Great Recession of 2008 were scary, real, and The last Covid 19 Recession was masked by enormous government spending, and truly was a black swan, unique event.
But Chairman Powell has shifted his foot off the brake pedal and seems poised to touch the loud pedal.
We may argue and debate over it, but it’s far better the independent Fed do fiscal policy than geezers in government like me.
No elected politician of either party would ever raise interest rates.
They’d open the treasury every election year.
All in all, let’s leave well enough alone, shall we?
We might smack the wall if we don’t.