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Might Stick Around
Feb 27, 2013
The first pipe tobacco I smoked was an aro. However, that was nine years ago, and I haven't had one since. Now I'm thinking that I may be missing out. I'm looking for something that's got medium-to-full flavor. In other words, I'm not looking for something that simply smells nice and has a dash or hint of flavor. I want the full flavor! For instance, if it was a chocolate blend, I'd want the chocolate taste to stand out. Can you help me out?

Jul 15, 2011
Like a lot of smokers, I started off being heavily into aromatics and smoked a lot in my time but have since moved away from a lot of them, though there are still a few that I enjoy. Like you, I like a flavor profile similar to the room note, but as far as a huge flavor bomb, I have yet to meet an aromatic that has as bold a flavor as a traditional blend. There are some that steer closer to full taste than others, but if you are looking for a big, bold, smack-you-in-the-face-then-tongue-kiss-your-girlfriend-while-stealing-your-lunch-money flavor, you may be disappointed. However, the following may be a good place to start:
Rattrays Bagpipers Dream

MacBaren 7 Seas line (any will do, but the Red and the Royal are my personal favorites)

Peterson-Sunset Breeze and Connoisseurs Choice

Scottys Butternut Burley

Hearth and Home Old Companion (very lightly aromatic, more of a crossover between a traditional tobacco and an aromatic, but very tasty in its own right)

Boswell Aromatics

Shortcut To Mushrooms (aromatic with Latakia, nice flavor, very light and mellow)



Jun 27, 2012
I don't hung up on the whole "is this an aro/crossover/blah" discussion but I second Pipe Novelist's Shortcut to Mushrooms suggestion. It's actually a little too sweet for me.
I'd also toss out Frog Morton's Cellar and On The Town as well if your looking for a lot of flavor. IMO Cellar comes across more in your face then Town, but I don't think it's a negative. Just a personality trait.



Dec 28, 2012
+1 jah76 One of the few off VA smokes FMOT I'll enjoy now and then. Most aro's don't taste like they smell when you smoke them. One I found that does is PS pestachio. I also would start to reach out into the other "groups" of tobacco, you may suprise the pallet that will go through changes over the years. So if you're cellaring you may want to look at throwing some things in there that may just be giving you some thought now. Room note becomes less important than what is giving your pallet more enjoyment.



Nov 24, 2012
+1 on Boswells. Try their Berry Cobbler, Apple Strudel, Christmas Cookie or Cherry Smash. Just typing them seems like it's the Charlie Candy factory but they're not that sweet, thought they smell fantastic. Cant go wrong with 1Q either. I didnt like it at first but have since some to really enjoy it.



Nov 13, 2012
I would definitely suggest Villiger's Mid-Day. Also I think Dan's Blue Note is quite good.
+1000000 on Frog Morton's Cellar which is like a cross over and is what got me started on English and Balkan style blends.
Also RLP is pretty good from Lane.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Definitely would suggest the 1Q from Lane Limited. The smell of the leaf transfers well into the smoke and it's a light easy going any time of the day smoke. Infact a lot of times I enjoy a bowl of it so much after I finish one I'll clean the pipe out and fill her up again. Also, BC-A by Lane is a really good Black Cavendish aromatic with a vanilla and rum top dressing. It's a bit sticky loading but, it doesn't get goopy in the bowl and carries the flavor over better than most aromatics. Being that it's a straight Black Cavendish blend I would note a bowl of it usually lasts longer than other blends like Virginia/VaPers/English.
Mac Baren has some pretty good aromatics as well. I reccommend the 7 Seas line as I find them all to be pretty good. My favorite is the Regular Blend and I'd have to say the Royal Blend comes in a close second. The Black Blend carries the flavor over nicely and is a Black Cavendish like BC-A so again if you're looking for a longer smoke to unwind with it's good. Vanilla Cream is another good one from MacB. I prefer the flake because to me the flavors are more intense. Original Choice is another one worth checking out as well.
Peterson has some good aro blends. Out of the regular lineup I'd say Connoisseur's Choice, Sunset Breeze, and Nutty Cut are the best as far as flavor transfer. Their limited edition blends are also almost always amazing and have great flavor to them. If you can find a tin of Summertime, Special Reserve, or Holiday Season I reccommend picking it up.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I'm an unabashed tobacco snob. ...Well, maybe not a snob, because I think other opinions are just as valid as my own.

Maybe tobacco "purist" is a better word. Yet, I feel that I'll be missing something if I don't keep searching for an aromatic

that is natural tasting and flavored.
Low Country Santee is as good an aromatic as I've found, and I had no problem polishing-off a tin quickly.

Its flavor is solid and up front: fruity tending toward sour apple. IMO, quite good, and no chemical aftertaste.




Nov 12, 2012
+1 on the Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Flake and 1q

But to throw out one more that is a good smoke to me is Jack Lee Blends Honey Malt



Oct 31, 2012
I second the Captain Black. A lot of “purists” show a puckered brow at the mere mention of the stuff, but like everyone states on the forum if you like it smoke it. It has a good flavor when smoked SLOW and it very rarely offends others near you, in fact it will most likely start a friendly conversation about their grandfather or dad. It is easy to find, low cost to try, and if you don’t like it you can give it to a newbie piper as a gift. :puffy:

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