Thank you I can grab up 965 locally965 -Now Peterson is excellent and very smooth. A classic is Squadron Leader - a mid strength English from SG.
Best of luck.
I’d like to give a heavy +1 to SG Skiff Mixture. More Oriental/va forward, it’s absolutely amazing.Arango/Stokkebye Balkan Supreme
Rattray’s Red Rapparee
Samuel Gawith Skiff Mixture or Squadron Leader
Ashton Artisan’s Blend
GL Pease Maltese Falcon
Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding
Esoterica Margate
Smoker’s Haven Exotique Mixture
Sutliff Burma Road
Forgot about the Kramer's blends. I have had both Father Dempsy and Carry Grant and both were top notch. Which reminds me I need to get around to trying the blend for Danny Kaye.Kramer's Blend for Cary Grant, and Murray's 1810 Belfast are both mildly sweet with just a touch of latakia.