Hello Everyone,
I have an old Peterson pipe inherited from my father, not worth much but of sentimental value. I went and reamed it out and did a salt cleaning of it with alcohol to get rid of the old caked up residue and flavor. The reamer I have has a faulty spring, and thus I wasn't able to adjust it to the bowl, I just used it as a scraper. The result was some wood coming off the top of the bowl as I bore down to get the middle and bottom of the bowl reamed out.
Will this bit of wood damage the pipe irrevocably? My guess is not but it could build up a lopsided cake down the road. Any thoughts on what damage I may have done? Thanks
I have an old Peterson pipe inherited from my father, not worth much but of sentimental value. I went and reamed it out and did a salt cleaning of it with alcohol to get rid of the old caked up residue and flavor. The reamer I have has a faulty spring, and thus I wasn't able to adjust it to the bowl, I just used it as a scraper. The result was some wood coming off the top of the bowl as I bore down to get the middle and bottom of the bowl reamed out.
Will this bit of wood damage the pipe irrevocably? My guess is not but it could build up a lopsided cake down the road. Any thoughts on what damage I may have done? Thanks