Really Thinking About Pulling the Trigger on Mr. Brog

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Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
I am really thinking about pulling the trigger on a Kentucky #43 I have $15 in gift certificate to use, so this would make the pipe basically free for me. Since this would be my first online pipe purchase, I am really nervous about buying a pipe that I can not pick up and handle first. Also, if I pull the trigger on this, then I have to wait to get it, and I do not like to wait :D



Jul 27, 2012
I would grab it . I don't own a Mr Brog, but many like them a lot and you can't beat the price. And if you're going to make your first online purchase, you can't do better than Amazon. Go for it and remember to let us know how she smokes.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 26, 2013
I am in the process of breaking that exact pipe in! Downside: mine has a flaw of the finish around the rim, which looked to be at first an abrasion, but now looks more to be just poor staining. Downside: made to be a filter pipe, so if you are not planning to use a filter, or a filter adapter, and do not like that extra space in the shank, be warned. Upside: the thing is just STUPIDLY light! Seriously, you could clench two of them for hours, it seems like. Upside: I think it looks really cool, I like the shape, the formation of the stem and button, and the entire aesthetic. Upside: it smokes great! For me, it has burned to ash without relights from out of the box, takes a pipe cleaner through to the bowl fairly easily, has a well fitted tenon, and really does all the basic stuff you want fairly well.
So, almost complete recommendation. For that price, it is hard to get better without being both lucky and skilled in the estate hunt. If you are shopping for something that will work, not be a showpiece or heirloom, but just reliably do it's thing, I would say do it.



May 17, 2012
I saw the thread title and my first thought was, what did Mr. Brog do to you?
I have that exact pipe too, and it's well worth the price. I use mine exclusively for Top Black Cherry mind you, but a solid purchase!

Aug 1, 2012
If you like the shape, grab it. I have a Mr. Brog Scoot and I love it. Smokes very well and looks cool too.
I saw the thread title and my first thought was, what did Mr. Brog do to you?
Glad I wasn't the only one. :)



Jun 27, 2012
I have an Amigo that I can't stand the shape of, but it smokes great.



Jul 1, 2012
Central Oregon
Okay, I just placed my order. Now I just have to wait until sometime between May 9th and 14th for it to arrive. The humanity of waiting. I guess this pipe hobby has another lesson in patients for me.
I guess that I can look at this as one of several ways: 450000ish seconds until my new pipe arrives(wow that is a long time to wait), 7200ish minutes (still a long haul), 120ish hours (well I work 50 hours a week so I guess I can wrap my mind around that but still seems a far time off), 5ish day (hey wait that is a whole long work week what is going on around here), or I can realize that I will have this pipe in my hand between 15 and 20 bowls of tobacco (now that does not seem to bad at all).
Time to fire up the first bowl and get the count down started.



Can't Leave
Apr 16, 2013
Someone should really start a Mr. Brog pictures thread. I'm really interested to see how they look as they get smoked - especially the Amigo with the natural rim.
Although, I don't think I would want to show off my #14 Churchwarden...It was my first pipe and I've burned the rim quite a bit :?

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