As much as I love dead tree editions, I do the vast majority of my reading on my Kindle Fire. i'm 99% sure my wife's aunt is getting me a Paperwhite for Christmas. Not only are readers more convenient for carrying books, they are also way more efficient at acquiring them. I regularly check out e-books from the library, and if I do buy something, it downloads instantly. i don't even have to put on pants. I'll still buy physical books if it's something I want to see on my shelf. For example, I'm holding out for a hardcover of Mariano Rivera's memoir because he's my favorite baseball player of all time and I want to look at his book regularly
The one thing I do always buy in hard copy is comic books, mostly to support my local B&M comic shop and because digital editions are just as expensive.
The one thing I do always buy in hard copy is comic books, mostly to support my local B&M comic shop and because digital editions are just as expensive.