Make sure you have figured out how much you smoke per year. I figured I smoke about 12 pounds per year. If I live another 25 years I have enough to last me.
If you smoke another 25 years and 10 pounds per year then you need 250 pounds. Next figure out your favorites and whether they come in bulk or some come in tins only. I built my cellar in 2012-2013 and it cost me around 18 grand. I had it laying around so that when I saw a score to be had, I was all over it. For example, a guy from sold me 3 pounds of 2007 Stonehaven for 83.00 a pound I jumped all over that. Another guy from that site sold me 3 pounds of 2006 Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake for 55.00 a pound and I was all over that. Another guy sold me 7 100 gram tins of Solani 633 for only 18.00 a tin which was retail. Always have readily available cash for when deals like that happen.
You also need to have a list of blends you love and when they become available, you buy all you can. It was much easier to build a cellar back then as there were no limits except maybe a few 25 tin limits.
I wish you the best of luck in your journey. You will need to call on all the small mom and pop stores in the low tax states. If you rely on the big boys like Smokingpipes and Pipesandcigars, it will take you for ever. Use your fingers and phone and you will have better luck.
That is how I was able to buy 5 pound lots of SG Flakes. Let us know how you are doing.
If you smoke another 25 years and 10 pounds per year then you need 250 pounds. Next figure out your favorites and whether they come in bulk or some come in tins only. I built my cellar in 2012-2013 and it cost me around 18 grand. I had it laying around so that when I saw a score to be had, I was all over it. For example, a guy from sold me 3 pounds of 2007 Stonehaven for 83.00 a pound I jumped all over that. Another guy from that site sold me 3 pounds of 2006 Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake for 55.00 a pound and I was all over that. Another guy sold me 7 100 gram tins of Solani 633 for only 18.00 a tin which was retail. Always have readily available cash for when deals like that happen.
You also need to have a list of blends you love and when they become available, you buy all you can. It was much easier to build a cellar back then as there were no limits except maybe a few 25 tin limits.
I wish you the best of luck in your journey. You will need to call on all the small mom and pop stores in the low tax states. If you rely on the big boys like Smokingpipes and Pipesandcigars, it will take you for ever. Use your fingers and phone and you will have better luck.
That is how I was able to buy 5 pound lots of SG Flakes. Let us know how you are doing.