A drop at SmokingPipes....Rattray's Pipe Tobacco | Buy Rattray's Pipe Tobacco at Smokingpipes - https://www.smokingpipes.com/tobacco/by-maker/rattrays/I got a local dealer here who is shipping (not open for business) that's telling me they have most of the Rattray line in stock.
I have fond memories to this day of the one tin of Marlin Flake I smoked years ago.
Can anyone recommend any other great blends I should try out? They are out of Black Malory sadly, as I tend to be a big English blend guy. I also enjoy the VA's and VA periques. What in their line is really good and what stands out to you all? I'm kind of budgeting these days so will probably only get a couple other ones in addition to Marlin Flake. Thanks!
These all may, indeed, be great blends but, are not for the palate of new smokers. Ol Gowrie is one such blend.
My favourite Rattray's is still Marlin Flake though, followed by HotW.
You're being kind.I can’t believe so many people like exotic passion. Blech
tastes like strawberry shortcake’s ass crack.