I don't know if it is optical illusion, I look at the 309's I have and no matter what angle I look at them they have the stronger almost sharp angles on the heel and foot that I prefer. Not nearly as flat bottomed and pronounced as the capped Hungarian in your picture but they are noticeable and that is the look I prefer.With regard to the 'heel and foot' --- I think the difference between 1&2 is more optical illusion because of the dark stain of 1. I would have to see the pipes in hand, as you can't really tell from pictures. I agree that 2's v-cut is more rounded but still not a bad pipe and I wouldn't turn it down if gifted to me () that could be worn down over time. 3 is clearly a beginner effort to make the shape. It need a tad more time on the sander. The older stummels of the 60s 70s and early 80s did have the cheekier lower bowls. That style seems to have gone out of favor unfortunately. I'm guessing its a trade off of weight to style. Personally I always prefer more wood than less.
In another thread awhile ago I wrote that the true hungarian shape bowl was cheekier, flatter and less cylindrical. The cylindrical bowl seems to have been a 'western' (England, Ireland, Italy) m
odification or version of the original hungarian shape. This is an example of what was one of three true hungarian shapes of which the bent dutch became the modern version.
View attachment 317470
Things tend to evolve over time.
The Smoking Collection
Tobacco was introduced to Europe after the discovery of America. The first data about smoking Turkish ambassadors fascinating the Hungarian aristocracy with their pipes are from the end of 16th century. Through the centuries the habit of smoking became very wide-spread and refined pieces of...mnm.hu
Definitely in agreement on #3 though and that was a natural deluxe offering.
I have also seen many 313s that look more like a deluxe 1s or 301 squat pot bent dutch shape more than a smaller version of the iconic Peterson shape 4. I guess I am just very particular about my pipes to an insane degree.
And @jaingorenard that is a gorgeous representation, smoke that in the best of health it is a beauty and I am sure will clean up real nice!