I'm glad you guys are enjoying the radio show. It's a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun too.
I can't totally control how fast it becomes available in iTunes. The MP3 file doesn't actually get uploaded to them. It resides on the PipesMagazine.com server. We submit an XML file to iTunes with metadata on the MP3 file that is the recording of the show.
The XML file gets updated immediately after the show ends. We then have to wait our turn for iTunes to "drive by" and see that the file is updated so they then update our page on their service with the new podcast.
After the first show, they picked it up in 1 hour. The last show didn't get updated into iTunes for about 5-hours, but as I said, that is out of our control.
The good thing is that most people will have it available for their Friday morning commute, which was always my intention.