5 PM isn't exactly early morning, but I'm loading Early Morning Pipe into my Latakia cob. Since most of you old fogeys are familiar with EMP, I'll make this a quicky review.
Beginning with the first match, the Lat is dominant but not overpowering. For me, it manifests as a savory, smokey flavor with a floral bent. Accompanying the Latakia is a sweet toastiness that is particularly noticeable in the snork. Some of the flavor is almost bready. Definitely a tobacco I can imagine enjoying right after breakfast, though it doesn't fully satisfy after my roast chicken dinner.
I'm thinking I cook some biscuits and gravy tomorrow, enjoy the EMP after.
Beginning with the first match, the Lat is dominant but not overpowering. For me, it manifests as a savory, smokey flavor with a floral bent. Accompanying the Latakia is a sweet toastiness that is particularly noticeable in the snork. Some of the flavor is almost bready. Definitely a tobacco I can imagine enjoying right after breakfast, though it doesn't fully satisfy after my roast chicken dinner.
I'm thinking I cook some biscuits and gravy tomorrow, enjoy the EMP after.