RabbitAir MinusA2 Air Filtration System

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Briar’s Echo

Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 15, 2022
Lancaster County PA
This close to dropping a rabbitair in my home office. 16' long by 5' wide (very long and rectangular), carpeted, with no ventilation whatsoever (no ductwork going to or from, no windows). It is also carpeted. Thoughts? I smoke mostly aros. North Missouri winter is not conducive to outside smoking. Would appreciate any input!
We have two rabbits. A minus a2 and the new a3. Both are amazing and have the ability to clear noxious odors fairly quickly. However neither one will completely eliminate the smell. The carpet you have will most likely absorb some of the smoke and thus the room will most likely have the air of your pipe smoke. A couple things to help mitigate is if you have a carpet cleaner that you can use on a regular basis or if you want to convert to wood flooring. But I digress. The rabbit is the only filter I will ever buy and the customer support is superb… and no I don’t work for the company or get kick backs. It’s just a great product.


Can't Leave
Mar 8, 2022
Okay, so I had my first smoke with it last night. This is a pretty small office... kind of a long rectangle. 7' x 15' roughly. There is no ductwork/ventilation, windows whatsoever... no connection to the rest of the house's heating/cooling system. Newly re-finished with carpet. Smoked a pipe full of Country Squire's Parson's Blend, which is a mild aromatic... wonderful room note. I flipped the RabbitAir to automatic and during the entire process, it would ramp up to high, and then cycle down to low... then back up and down through the entire smoke. There are 5 noise/fan settings: silent, low, medium, high, and turbo... at no point did it ramp up to turbo... nor did it cycle down to silent. Silent and low settings are barely perceptible to the ear (I do have bad hearing), and high and turbo are definitely audible... At no point during my smoking experience did the room become smokey or foggy... the purifier easily kept up with my singular pipe. After the roughly 35-40 minute smoke, I switched the RabbitAir to manual mode at the low setting. This was around 9:15 PM. I had the door to the office closed the entire time and closed the door behind me when I left. I returned around a half hour later. The room no longer had the mostly pleasant scent of the tobacco, but rather the normal burned tobacco odor... it was fairly pronounced. I shut the door and left it in manual low mode as I went to bed. At 4:30 AM the next morning, before leaving for work, I went down and opened the door again to check on the room. The office was much more pleasant smelling at this point... possibly a faint hint of smoke/burned tobacco, but much more like a pleasant room note or even the scent of unburned, aromatic tobacco. At this point, deeming the room scent to be acceptable for the time being, I turned off the unit and left the door to my office cracked open. No smoke or tobacco scents were detected in any other areas of the house.