Most celebrity deaths really don't bother me much. But sometimes a celebrity will pass and I'll feel a bit of loss, maybe even a little sadness. Few touch me as strongly as this one. I truly am saddened by Carrie Fisher's death. The original Star Wars movies were a very big part of my childhood, and I still love them every bit as much as an adult, if not more. The nostalgia of seeing the other actors reprise their younger roles in Star Wars The Force Awakens was wonderful. Han Solo was always my favorite character, but it was Leia's first appearance in that movie that actually gave me goosebumps on my arms. Perhaps she was actually my favorite character and I didn't realize it. I always thought she was most stunning in the scenes on Endor, in Return of the Jedi.
The world has lost one of its greatest story tellers today. Because that's what she did as an actress, especially in those movies. She didn't just play the part, she told the story of the character. This is one of those times that a celebrity passing truly broke my heart.