About the dates? You sure he wrote them? If he did I'd bet it's for when he bought them. But I can't say without consulting him.I acquired a bunch of tins when my father passed away. I joined this forum awhile back and received some helpful tips on smoking and I still enjoy smoking here and there. I have some questions about the tins.
1. He wrote dates on the back. Is that when he bought them?
2. Some seemed lightweight and I opened one and it was empty. Why would he have been keeping tins that were empty?
3. How can I tell when one has not been opened? I see some have a sticker on the side so that is pretty obvious but some seem to have some weight but no sticker. I didn't want to just bust them all open in case that degrades the tobacco. Does weighing them on a scale work instead to know if they are full?
Your insight is greatly appreciated. View attachment 196573
Why would you keep a tin? Well one they smell nice. They can carry anything that fits in them. Also some people keep tins of ones they know they'll want to buy again. Also maybe he didn't know if he should throw them out or put them in the recycling bin.
If a tin isn't opened it should be sealed and it would take a lot of effort to open by hand. If you can't open it easily it hasn't been opened.
Hope that helped and you enjoyed the fifth or fourth time reading the same basic stuff