Philosophically, I'm with nsfisher, I'm just not going to organize myself about which pipe goes with which tobacco. The visual and taste experience
is pretty subjective and aesthetic rather than logical. It's like too many rules about eating spoils the enjoyment of the food. However, over time,
I do tend to smoke English tobacco in medium bowls, Virginia in smaller bowls, and some of the Cavendish blends in really big bowls. Not invariably,
but by inclination. I've subconsciously come to an orderliness despite my desire not to. Since I have quite a few pipes by some standards (about 36)
they get a good rest between smokes. I've never had a ghost problem, or perhaps I simply don't have a cultivated palate. (I like wine very much
but I do not have the makings of a connoisseur.) However, if I started tasting ghosts, getting aromatics wafting around my good old English blends,
I might start lining up the pipes on the racks so I didn't have that going on. I guess I react to my experience, not a concept, about this.