Question from a new member: Cleaning pipe stem

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Might Stick Around
Feb 20, 2012
Hi everyone.

Can someone tell me how to clean the pipe stem?

I am not referring to a "big cleaning project" which require bleaching and buffing.

I want to know how to clean the pipe after/before smoking to make sure the stem is clean and sterilized.
I have tried searching through the internet but all I can find is about the "big cleaning"....



Mar 22, 2011
The easiest "quick clean" is alcohol. Grain alcohol (like Everclear) is my preference, or something neutral like vodka.
Clean the inside of the stem with alcohol soaked pipe cleaners. Fill the bowl with alcohol and let soak for 15 minutes. Let both the bowl and the stem dry overnight.
To clean and shine the stem, just use toothpaste and a toothbrush. It may not shine like brand new, but it will get the vast majority of the "gunk" off.



Dec 5, 2011

1) After each smoke, run a cleaner through the stem. It keeps most of the gunk out.

2) Once a week or so (depending on how much you smoke), do what bigvan said ;-) Let the pipe cool though before taking off the stem. I don't do the "fill the bowl" thing unless I'm re-purposing a pipe or need to get rid of some lingering tastes (ghosts). Also, a magic eraser works great to do a clean-up of the stem. Wet the magic eraser, scrub down the stem, wipe it off. After cleaning, just rub it with some olive oil, polish it up, let it rest for 24 hours. It helps with the oxidation.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2011
Magic eraser do wonders, however I also use Obsidian oil now and then. Other than teeth marks, it keeps the stems in great shape.



Aug 14, 2011
My routine cleaning after smoking a pipe is as follows.
Let pipe cool.
Dip pipe cleaner in alcohol of choice and run it through the stem and shank of pipe. (You can leave the pipe assembled for this or take it apart if you have trouble, never take pipe apart while warm)
Keep stem shiny rubbing them with Olive Oil, or chapstick, let set for a few minutes then wipe off with paper towel or cloth. (I have heard great things about Obsidian Pipe Stem Oil, but have not purchased yet)
Let the pipe dry out on the rack.
Very minimal cleaning after every smoke. Some don't clean for days or weeks. I'm a bit of a germ-a-phobe so I have to swab with alcohol after each smoke. Even though it's MY germs lol Still yucky! :puffy:



Might Stick Around
Feb 20, 2012
Re Spartan
That's what I am thinking too (I hate germs...).
But isn't alcohol will cause the stem becoming dull?

Is there any way to deal with that?

Or is there any solution, cleaner, etc. that can do the same job (sterilizing) without making the stem dull?
I have heard that Brebbia Pipe Cleaner is a great choice, any opinion about that?

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