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May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Was just wondering what the feelings are on putting a review section on the pipes and tobaccos. A lot of other online retail sites have a place to add comments to help an online shopper and I haven't seen that much on the pipe retail sites. I know there's numerous places to find tobacco reviews, but there's not too many on pipe reviews. And it's always welcomed to hear if the pipe is better with flakes, aros, Lats, how long it typically smokes etc. Just a question.

Jul 15, 2011
I have noticed this as well, and I actually planned to do a feature on something like this for my blog, called Briar on a Budget, where I give my reviews of some pipes that I have bought for cheap that are really good smokers. Hopefully someone will integrate a feature a like this sometime soon, especially with the number of pipes that you can find on places like and

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