I've read an article somewhere, sometime ago about how to cut the end off a stem and reshape the button. Can any point me in the right direction for info on this topic? If anyone has done this, any help on how to do it would be greatly welcomed.
I just found this instructive video on youtube. Not sure how imbed so I'll just post the link. It's more about improving existing ones, but I picked up a few tips from it. Shaping a Button
Here's one I did two years ago on a GBD 9438 Tapestry. That one had a nice meaty stem and was a good candidate.
Wow, there are some skilled people out there! Good job, SSJones! That really does look new. :clap:
I want to try this, but I'm terrified that I'll goof it up.
Recently I had a Comoys with the same problem. After cutting the button off, I found it was drilled low on the bottom end, leaving only a mm of vulcanite. It was too thin to cut in a new button. So, be forewarned! Sometimes you can tell from the heft of the stem (and GBD's are usually good candidates). I just put a rubber bit on the Comoys and it is now a shop pipe.
Thanks for all help everyone. This morning I went for it, and hacked the end off the stem. No turning back now. It's turning out pretty well. I have it shaped up nicely. All the angles are right. I just have the wet sanding and buffing left. The hardest part for me was cutting a straight groove near the end of the stem for the button. Once I had that in place, filing and contouring wasn't bad. I free handed the groove for the button with a dremel blade. I was lucky it came out straight.
Is there an easier way to carve a small straight groove? ( where the stem ends and the button starts)
Those two George Dibos vids were great. Too bad he didn't make one on further shaping the button like he was talking about. I like the rounded style of button seen on Danish pipes, modified some on my own pipes, I just find it the most comfortable. Great post!
edit: another neat vid, from Kurt Huhn,