deniz I like your answer. And I also agree that this place is a fertile ground for overthinking stuff. The more I smoke pipe, the more I realize ... we should keep it simple and enjoyable. Whatever works for a man works for him and that shouldn't be a problem. Personally I don't rest cobs, and whenever I am out of town and carry only one pipe with me, I smoke that pipe every day ... the smoking experience doesn't seem to be affected. I do rest the pipe when I get home, but that's because I have gotten used to doing that, not because experience has taught me the benefit of resting. I must admit, not resting your pipe may require a thorough cleaning more often, but than again ... it also depends on how well you clean your pipe after each smoke. Some people say you must rest your pipes, others say you don't necessarily have to ... what is the truth? Whatever works for you, sir ... give it a try, experiment, see what happens, see if you notice any change in taste if you smoke a pipe day in and day out ..