For brands that I personally enjoy that you can get for cheap, I dont believe you can go wrong with PS. I dont think he has a blend out there that's over 7 dollars an oz (and that's expensive, it's more like 5), and everything I've had with his name attached to it has been pretty decent. As for what you should start with, I think most pipe smokers started with some sort of aromatic. I know I did, and primarily for a couple years that's all I would smoke. And there isnt anything wrong with that...but that being said, a reason why alot of the more seasoned pipe smokers will tell new guys to start with English blends is because they are easier to smoke and learn with, and will be more for giving on the mouth and tounge. Pipe smoking isnt like lightning a cigarette or smoking a cigar, or much anything else, there is a bit of a large learning curve. And While learning, aromatics are quite honestly difficult. It's hard to learn how to pack, tamp, light, and find a nice rhythm and cadence with an aromatic, becuase alot of them tend to be dense, hard to keep lit and easy to push to hard and ruin your bowl of tobacco. When I began many moons ago, I spent months frustrated that at about half way through my bowl I would loose flavor and it would quickly turn to tasting like crap and I would push it and have to dump it. All Symptoms of going to hard, to fast and improper packing. Aromatics tend to be a little more wet as well, and they are hard to dry. So you dont really get a feel for how dry your tobacco should be, because alot of them will never get there. And dont get me started on tounge bite. An inexperienced smoker struggling with tounge bite after every bowl, and not understanding why will quickly lead to someone who tied a pipe but couldn't get into it. But on the positive side of starting with aromatics, if even for a little while. Once you're able to get a fairly decent smoke out of them and decide to branch out to the wider world of tobacco, you will have no trouble. It might take a small amount of trail and error before you get that perfect zen moment and the perfect bowl, but you will be in front of the power curve. And another positive, once you decide to go back and try aromatics again (as most do after exploring) you will find that because of your knowledge that they become much more satisfying and pick up flavors you didnt know were there before