Put That Cigar in Pour Pipe! ... ?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Came across this article ( http://dutchpipesmoker.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/sunny-semois/ ), which describes the manufacturing of little cigars meant to be put into and smoked in a pipe bowl.




What do you guys think?



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
Thanks for sharing, it's always good to see something new. I guess this is the perfect crossover for cigar smokers taking up a pipe!



Can't Leave
Sep 23, 2012
I knew an old man where I work, he smoked el producto cigars. he put the last inch or so into his pipe and smoke that cigar all the way too the bottom of his pipe. this was 30+ years ago.



Might Stick Around
Mar 10, 2013
Where I live in Asia the second most common (after cigarettes) way to smoke is for a man to buy large tobacco leaves in bulk, then roll his own cigars and shove them in a pipe to smoke em. The leaves here are terrible but if that's good... Could be delicious.



Can't Leave
May 16, 2011
Like mlyvers, I know someone who does something very similar. But I've never heard of a cigar designed for this.
What will the world think of next?

May 31, 2012
Talk about the air-pocket method!
I think it's cool, I'd like to try it.
I've been looking forward to smoking some semois one day, it's kinda hard to get hold of, a stout bacca, like a Belgian burley.
I've seen it said that Germain's Brown Flake has some semois in it, I have one tin awaiting to be popped.


Dutch Pipe Smoker

Apr 3, 2013
The Netherlands
Urgh.. Do those pictures of me have to be so big? :wink:

By the way, if you are interested in buying some Semois or Bouchons de Semois, I put links to online tobaccoshops in the post on my blog.

I don't think there is Semois in Germain's Brown Flake. According to the latest Planta brochure it is a "Classically processed Virgina flake with US Kentucky". Besides, Kentucky is fire-cured. Semois is flue-cured so there can never be Semois in the Brown Flake..

May 31, 2012
Welcome Arno!
That's an excellent report you made about Semois!
How long of a time does the bouchon smoke?
I think the Brown Flake thing is probably an internet misinformation.
I find it strange that Planta makes some of the Germain's stuff...
I saw one of the shops had Semois Coupe Moyenne BC 120g for only 12,00 €, that's very cheap!
But I think I'll try to get some V. Manil at some point...


Dutch Pipe Smoker

Apr 3, 2013
The Netherlands

It depends on how fast you smoke.. I think about 1 hour. Remember that you smoke the top part but also the part in the bowl.

I also find that strange.. Personally I hold Germain in higher regard as Planta.

Which Semois was that? What was the link?

Yes, Vincent Manil Semois is the best imho. The most natural. Besides, he is the only one with the bouchons.



Mar 23, 2012
Emerson, Arkansas
In the late 60's, my grandfather switched from cigarettes to a pipe. He bought a yellow bowl and a

cob. The only thing is, he smoked Bull Durham cigarette tobacco and didn't stop inhaling.... might

as well stayed with the nails.

I smoke a cigar once in a while with my boys when they bring a good one over, but enjoy my pipe most

of the time. I can't put the two together. (Just my feelings on it....)

Interesting cigar shape though. But I wouldn't use a lighter..... 3 matches.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Cigars in pipes are nothing new.
Here is an excerpt from an old string about an old Veteran and his Rum Soaked Crooks that he smoked in his pipe.
Memorable Pipe Smokers From Your Past
I was a go-fer at Woodlawn Hardware Store, it was run by Mr. Fred, and Miss Mae. I made $1 an hour, 19 hours a week. (Old math: $1 x 19 = 2 movie tickets, 2 Sodas, 1 Medium Pizza "all the way", Dad put gas in the car.)

It was a dusty relic of the old style Mom and Pop Hardware stores where you could find things that you couldn't find anywhere else. (after a bit of rummaging of course) (you know the type) Even the hours were antiquated. 6 to 6 Mon. - Sat. except Wednesdays when we closed at noon because of an old blue-law. (so people could go to church) Well there was an old WWI veteran that would come in to buy a couple of nails or screws or just to shoot the breeze. He smoked a pipe with a Rum Soaked Crook cigar in it. I always found this amusing, but practical. He told me he had been smoking that way since "Ma momma give me dis pipe fo my 6'd birt-day. Mah re-ward for bein' a good boy-n stayin' in school".



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Arno, what is the unique thing about Semois tobacco (taste, etc.)? Is it comparable to other pipe tobaccos?


Dutch Pipe Smoker

Apr 3, 2013
The Netherlands
Semois tobacco is not comparable to any tobacco I know. What most looks like it is what we Dutch call "baai-tabak" which is in fact Maryland tobacco. But still the taste is quite unique imho. Remember, this type of tobacco can only grow in the Semois region.



Jun 11, 2012
My grandfather still puts the end of his cigars into a pipe and smokes it. Hes old school and wastes nothing, to include the last inch of a good, or bad, cigar. I havent done it my self but always considered it.



Feb 21, 2013
I guess that's one way for people who want a cigar flavor from a pipe, as close as they'll get. Cigar leaf can make a good blending tobacco, but not if you want it to taste pretty much like a cigar. I've just ordered some cigar leaf for home mixing, and I'll report on how it smokes as-is, and how it goes with other leaf. Semois pipe leaf is excellent as it comes -- thick cut and the medium cut too. Is the medium cut a little stronger? They taste about the same strength to me, but there is a subtle difference in flavor, indefinable to me. For cigar leaf blends, I like Billy Budd a lot, though it tastes nothing like a cigar to me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
I see this is an old, resurrected thread, but I'll add a bit of advice anyway.
A friend smoked the end of a cigar in one of my cobs and I almost never got the smell out. I don't mind ghosting, and don't bother devoting different pipes to different blends. I never even notice the ghosting, unless it's some huge difference like smoknig a bowl of Nightcap and then smoking a bowl of Lane 1Q in the same pipe immediately afterward.
Anyway, though I'm not usually finicky about ghosting, the cigar ghost was brutal. The same guy also did it in his own pipe, and after a while he complained that what he didn't like about pipe smoking was that you tasted the pipe more than the tobacco. I told him that shouldn't be the case, and offered to clean his pipe. I deep cleaned it, and it took a heck of a lot of cleaning to get that ghost out: reaming bowl down to briar, alcohol/cotton ball treatments, alcohol baths for stem, then more cleaning with rum, etc.

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