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Jul 24, 2013
Here's a question I haven't seen asked before but wondered about: excepting cobs (I'm sure many do in the case of cobs, particularly the new Cobbit line: I've ordered two Shires and early on bought four Country Gentlemen), do you ever get a duplicate of a favorite pipe? To help in rotation, or just because you want a duplicate as a spare in case something happens to the other pipe? Or just plain like the pipe? I have two Dracula billiards (although that was to get another one because I liked the Drac variation in stem ornamentation as well as a second as a spare--this was early in my entrance into the hobby), and since buying the remarkable Cayuga Shell Grain billiard this past Saturday at Paul's Pipe Shop, I'm thinking of getting another Cayuga Shell, as well as a rusticated Cayuga billiard. And as for the Drac line, when I realized it was based on the Peterson 107 billiard, which I consider the perfect billiard, I have since gotten 107 versions of the Irish Harp, Dublin Castle, and the Christmas 2014. That's five 107s in all. (Yeah, I know, I didn't mention the Racing Green. That's because I've been told the green stain becomes discolored after a while. And I figure five 107s is enough. Although, if Peterson comes out with another series based on a favorite theme, I'll probably get the 107 version of that, too. Perhaps Frankenstein?)

So, am I alone in this practice, or do you also get multiples of favorite pipes?



Oct 15, 2013
Since most of my purchases are estate pipes I usually will only go for a duplicate if the new one is in better shape than the first. The two exceptions so far are my two Masterson Freehand pipes and my three Medico Jet Streams. Those were to aid in the rotation frequency as you said.
When I spend big money on a new pipe I want to get something novel. The next time a hundred bucks floats down onto my desktop I want to get a Savinelli "Bing's Favorite", rusticated.
Just remembered while viewing another thread that I have a bunch of Wellington pipes too. I really like those things!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2014
I will buy different finishes of the same pipe, but not in the same finish.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
Were I to come across a duplicate of my current/original favorite pipe, a Dunhill Black Briar 5128 Diplomat w/thick silver band, I'd most certainly try to obtain it!!! To have one to smoke and one for a backup/under-glass would be perfect. I've since moved on from Dunhill, but that one....it's been the inspiration behind every commission I've made. I LOVE you that pipe. So, to answer your question, I totally would have a duplicate if I had the opportunity.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I have 2 Tsuge mizki dublins with plateau crowns that I call the "sisters". Same shape, different stains, and one is smooth while the other is sandblasted.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Like tarheel, I like to find different finishes for the same shape. In Sasieni terms, Natural, Walnut, Ruff Root and Rustic. Same for GBD. Over the years, I've found a seven day set of 9438's in various finishes.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Typically, I prefer every new pipe to be different, but within the genre of a bulldog or a dublin. But, Hilson made one dublin shape in specific that I absolutely love as a work pipe. It works great as a clencher and I can see the bowl while working, so I don't impale my throat on my bench pin while working. These came in fantasia shell colors as well as a blasted black. I will buy any and all of these shapes by them, especially the black ones. The fantasias are all different, so I leave them as is. The first thing I do to the black blasted ones is drop the stummels in acetone to remove the finish and all of the cake. I will then grind out any remaining cake. I'd prefer my cake to be of my own making and kept very, very thin anyways. Then I will stain these Hilsons whatever color that I want. They aren't expensive, and staining them just helps me tell them apart, to make sure I don't over-smoke the same one all day. I have six now, three Fantasias with a meer lining and three blasted ones, black, red, and walnut colored.

Otherwise, I'd just prefer a new pipe to be different, to have the joy of learning how a new one wants to be smoked. But, everytime I run across one of these Hilsons, I will be the first to jump on it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 26, 2012
Bings Favorite and my new Savinelli Honey are two that I plan to get another one of just because I have fallen in love with those two. In fact I have to force my self to reach for something else. Although I want a rusticated Bing's this time around.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 31, 2013
I'd love to have a 7 day set of sandblasted Comoy 64s, which is a small-medium billiard. My current one is a great smoker, nicely weighted, nicely cut, and the perfect bowl size for me for 75% of the time.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2013
West Texas
I don't own any dups yet but I can see myself having a few.
My savinelli rusticated Bing and my Paulson devil Anse are amazing smokers and I would love to have more of both. Sometimes I get carried away and I dont rest them enough because of how much I like them.



Aug 3, 2010
This is indeed a great question that I have not seen before. I have 2 Stanwell pipe of the year 2010, because I loved the shape and the price was right. Two Savinelli Bing's, 4 Stanwell 97 Liverpool (different finish). I sometimes buy an extra if I love it, just because I tend to go through a pipe a year. Between kids touching, dogs, and by plain clumsiness.



Apr 30, 2014
bought a radice apple last year on a lark...it sailed thru escudo so well, I bought it's slightly bent sister the following week.
other than that, also have one of dr. watson's 2010 stanwell poy and wouldn't think twice about picking up another...great all-around smoker.



Dec 11, 2012
As with Sparrowhawk, I've got a few duplicate cobs that I purchased specifically (as opposed to getting duplicates in a grab bag, which also happened) - I have two Country Gentleman, one of which now has a churchwarden Forever stem, and I have two of the Missou pipes with the bent stems and small chambers for lunchtime smokes.
Among my briars, I just bought a second Rossi 8320, but in the Vittoria rusticated finish instead of the Messina smooth finish. I'm finding that I rather like the Author shape (Savinelli 320, Rossi 8320), as it fits my hand nicely while still being a comfortable clencher. If I were to duplicate, it would probably be an Author - but with all of the Rossi and Savinelli finishes to choose from, it will be a while before I feel any desire to pick up a duplicate finish.



Feb 21, 2013
Mostly I go for variety, but several years ago I bought the Peterson B11 bent brandy sitter, first in the Shannon

finish and then in the Killarney ebony. It is an extremely satisfying shape to me, unpretentious but a quiet

perfection. Nice big bowl in a relatively light pipe, that sits, and smokes cool. What's not to like?


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I have debated getting a seven day set of Savinelli's 904 shape in different finishes. Love that shape!



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2013
There is a member of this forum that purchased a pipe and then a few days later ordered the same pipe from a different source, completely forgetting about the first purchase. They showed up on his doorstep a few days apart. Fortunately, he really loves the shape so he kept them both! He showed them both off at a recent pipe club mtg. Nice pipes. Nope, I won't dime him out! :roll:



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2013
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I have several Peterson Dublins, - an Antique Collection rustic Dublin FT supposedly reproducing the shape from the 1905 catalog, a smooth 04 p-lip, a 2013 Christmas B35 smoothy FT, and a 2014 Christmas B35 rustic finish FT.
Then there's the two silver Mark Twain bents and one MT gold bent.
There's just something about those shapes that I love. They also smoke great.

Aug 14, 2012
I have up to 6 pipes of the same make, model and size. My rotation is within a group of near identical pipes. (Suddenly I cannot communicate well in English.) For instance I like the Dunhill 303 series. I have 2, 1303; 4, 2303; 5, 3303 and 6, 4303.



Mar 25, 2014
Great thread!
It had never occurred to me, but I like the idea. Although I really like the wide variety of pipe shapes and sizes, I definitely would by more Peterson 80s bent bulldogs, but probably in different finishes. However if there was a 2 x 1 sale, for any pipe I'd buy one of, a duplicate would be equally welcome.

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