No, WE don't think that people with common sense would do such a thing. They wouldn't because they have common sense.Tax dollars at waste as usual,what the hell is the matter with these so called public servants?Do they really think someone with any commom sense would drive down the road smoking the shit.
@colorduke; If a police officer believes that you are in the act of committing a crime or about to commit a crime then he has a right to stop you and detain you to investigate. Its called a Terry Stop. People drive and smoke weed all the time, and its not to common that you see actual pipe smokers driving down the road, so if he believed you were smoking pot then he would have the right to pull you over and inquire as to what it is/were smoking. Hopefully when they do they are nice about it, but unfortunately some of them or not as pleasant about it as the officer in the original post.Tax dollars at waste as usual,what the hell is the matter with these so called public servants?Do they really think someone with any commom sense would drive down the road smoking the shit.
@kashmir; Very true. Its a stressful job so they understand the need for a "vice" as some would say, and they just want to make their community safe for everyone. At the end of the day its about getting home safely and in one piece. Some do enjoy a pipe or cigar etc. and when you come across one of them most are willing to share a few minutes of their time discussing it.Great story. I think most cops are totally cool with tobacco pipes. The kind of man who becomes a cop is usually the kind of man that appreciates a tobacco pipe, and the age and morals that a pipe implies. Goes back to what America once was. And I suppose most cops are just trying to maintain the peace and order we all once took for granted. They're underpaid overworked Joes just trying to make ends meet, like the rest of us good folk.