To absolutely every question about pipesmoking as a practice... THERE IS NO ONE RIGHT WAY. This is not a sport with rules. It is a combination art and science. We may do whatever we do in which enhances our experiences, bound by the science of physics and... just all of science. There is no MAGIC involved, no moral codes to break, as long as you enjoy what you are doing, then do it.
When it comes to tobaccos and tobacco selection, things get a little more objective, but once again, tastes are subjective. But, we can't just say... "latakia is bad for anyone to smoke." But, we can say that latakia is an oriental tobacco that is fire cured (or smoke cured). etc etc...
About the only thing that is almost absolute is pipe history. And, even that is debatable in areas where no records have been kept.
We are all just here for camaraderie and sharing our experiences, etc... We are all willing to help with questions and hopefully help others find more joy in this... hobby, endeavor, whatever you wanna call it.
If someone takes themself too damn seriously or doesn't have a sense of humor, you are going to HATE IT HERE.
But, if you like to swap stories, or discuss new things (to them) about pipesmoking, or pipe makes, models, history, or discuss tobaccos, and you like to make new friends, then kick off your shoes and stay a while.
I repeat, if you take this hobby, your opinions, or yourself too seriously, you might be better off just reading a book about pipes.