Progress with Tongue Bite!!!!

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Hi Friends - I am making progress. I never had bite chugging straight black cavendish but since I got into blends and aros recently I have torn up my mouth. Tongue, cheeks and palate!! Anyway, after being very careful and taking my time, drying a bit more, sipping and not torching when I light I am happy to say I have had two bowls without bite over the past two evenings!!! I read a ton here and elsewhere and I watched some videos, esp useful are the YouTube videos from Muttnchop Piper and his breathing technique. I even watched some old videos of Bing Crosby smoking!!!! Anyway, I am sure I will get bit at some point again but I am happy about the progress. OH and I am avoiding whiskey while piping for now and just having tea, water or a beer. - Cheers!


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
Congratulations on the progress. I recommend some iced citrus drink or tonic water while smoking. Nothing will teach you more about smoking than a scalded tongue. Give your mouth a chance to recover and then sip and slowly enjoy a smoke. Pipe smoking is not a competition or a race. You don't get awards for doing it right and you won't get your pipe smoking license revoked if you do it wrong. The satisfaction of a pleasant, relaxing smoke is the reward.


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
Indeed but nothing satisfies my taste buds more than a whiskey (straight, rocks, in a manhattan, etc) paired with a smoke - Pipe or gar. But alas I need to learn more before doing that too much
It is my understanding that alcohol drinks while smoking removes the protective coating on the tongue and mouth making you more acceptable to mouth problems. Alcohol after smoking seems to be fine, but before or during smoking is not recommended. I enjoy my citrus drinks while smoking so it has never been a problem for me. A good Guinness is my choice of alcoholic beverage.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 21, 2021
Fresno, CA


Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
Indeed but nothing satisfies my taste buds more than a whiskey (straight, rocks, in a manhattan, etc) paired with a smoke - Pipe or gar. But alas I need to learn more before doing that too much
I do ok with whiskey on ice. It's red wine that's difficult for me to deal with due to the acidity. However, for me personally, red Virginias and the casing on aro's bites me, which got me to try, and start enjoying English and Va/per blends


Nov 14, 2020
If the blend is new to you, and you are uncertain about it, going drier with the tabac is always safer.

So starting out drying, when you take a clump and pinch it, it’s crispy, no moisture at all.

Go crispy in the beginning, and in time you can experiment with the moisture.

Barely light the tabac, don’t torch it and sip small slow sips, you shouldn’t be blowing big clouds of smoke with a pipe, and don’t puff fast, and don’t worry about keeping the pipe lit.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 15, 2021
The Woodlands, TX
I spent about a week smoking Peterson Systems and then switched to my normal straight pipe. When I made the switch I puffed to hard because I had grown accustomed to having a system cool and dry the smoke before I got it in my mouth.

Now I have a nasty sore in mouth near the back by the cheek. I will smoke more once it heals a little.

But yeah, if the pace is too fast then it's better not to be doing it at all.
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Nov 14, 2020
Indeed - I have done crispy but then there is NO flavor. I may as well be smoking oak leaves..."Forest Floor Blend"

Some blends can be like that, you’ll just have to experiment to find the right balance that works for you.


Oct 13, 2021
It is my understanding that alcohol drinks while smoking removes the protective coating on the tongue and mouth making you more acceptable to mouth problems. Alcohol after smoking seems to be fine, but before or during smoking is not recommended. I enjoy my citrus drinks while smoking so it has never been a problem for me. A good Guinness is my choice of alcoholic beverage.
I have found I have to be cautious of mixing drinks with the pipe, especially Scotch (neat). If I do it right I can get away with wine or beer while having a pipe but still must be aware. For me, some alcohol really does remove that mouth protection.
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