Hello and welcome to the Forum from Deep in the Heart of Texas. You will find this site to be informative and the members insightful (and at times, most entertaining). Enjoy your stay!Just thought I’d say hi whilst sitting in my garden enjoying a pipe. I’m returning to it after many years of non-smoking. In my 60s I find my health isn’t so good (I’m in constant pain and the doctors can’t find what’s wrong) so I thought “Sod it, I don’t know how long I’ve got on this planet so why not enjoy what I can, while I can,” and dug out my old pipes from the drawer.
Back in the ’80s I used to enjoy a pipe when I was fly fishing. There was nothing like taking a break, sitting back and just enjoying a smoke in beautiful surrounding. My main pipe then was a Falcon and I used to enjoy a mersham at home. I wish I still had them but I think they got lost in one of my many house moves. A few years back I bought a church warden from Amazon (the days when you could buy a half decent pipe from them). It’s served me well over the years but I’ve always been a very occasional pipe smoker. I’m not sure the wood it’s made from but I think it could be pear as it smokes quite hot. The problem with it is the bowl is quite small so it’s fine for a 10-15 minute smoke but not much more. In that respect it’s good for fishing forays but I have to break it down for transportation.
A few years ago I bought a briar pipe, again from Amazon, made by A. P. Donovan. I can find nothing about them and my research seems to show they supply men’s accessories nowadays. It was very inexpensive but smokes surprisingly well. Not having smoked in a while I purchased an old favourite baccy - Erinmore Mixture, which I still find really pleasing. But I find myself wanting to get a better pipe and something a little more adventurous in the tobacco line, so any suggestions would be appreciated. I’m not into the heavy Balkan Sobranies anymore though, so be careful with any aromatics please; they need to be light. Also, I’m thinking of either a Peterson or Salvanelli pipe. I do like their version of Bing’s Favourite, but I don’t know how 6mm filters smoke? I do like the 9mm filters of my current pipes so any suggestions for a new pipe need to have a filter please.
Anyway, I’m very much looking forward to reading the threads on this forum and thanks for letting me join your community.
I ordered a Peterson ‘Emerald’ yesterday and it should be with me tomorrow. It has a P-lip I believe And I’m very much looking forward to trying it. Anything I should know? I also ordered som Kendal Cream, Peterson Navy Rolls, and Old Dublin. That should keep me going for a while. I’m a bit worried about the old Dublin though. I like my Virginias and I‘m worried this might be a bit on the aromatic side. As long as it’s not like a Sobrani it should be okay though, I hopeWelcome from New Orleans! I hope you’re enjoying every puff. Not sure what tobacco is available in your area but Rattray’s Sterling Flake is a nice, hearty Lakeland.
I have a couple of Peterson & Savinelli/Rossi pipes. All great smokers. Especially the Rossi 8606 bent billiard. Rossi is made by Sav, but the grain or some other cosmetic flaw kept it from a passing grade. The Pete P-lip stem takes a little getting used to, but is worth it in the end. Enjoy the journey!
inI ordered a Peterson ‘Emerald’ yesterday and it should be with me tomorrow. It has a P-lip I believe And I’m very much looking forward to trying it. Anything I should know? I also ordered som Kendal Cream, Peterson Navy Rolls, and Old Dublin. That should keep me going for a while. I’m a bit worried about the old Dublin though. I like my Virginias and I‘m worried this might be a bit on tharomatic side. As long as it’s not like a Sobrani it should be okay though, I hope.
I’m not certain I can explain it. The P-lip draws & sits in your mouth a little differently.I ordered a Peterson ‘Emerald’ yesterday and it should be with me tomorrow. It has a P-lip I believe And I’m very much looking forward to trying it. Anything I should know? I also ordered som Kendal Cream, Peterson Navy Rolls, and Old Dublin. That should keep me going for a while. I’m a bit worried about the old Dublin though. I like my Virginias and I‘m worried this might be a bit on the aromatic side. As long as it’s not like a Sobrani it should be okay though, I hope.