Oh, I'm definitely not the first! (From
Establishing a Meerschaum Pipe's Value - https://www.antiquetrader.com/collecting-101/material-and-carving-determine-meerschaum-pipes-value) "Unlike pipes made of cherry or briarwood, meerschaum does not interfere with the flavor of tobacco nor does it conduct heat, which leaves the bowl cool to the touch."
Meerschaum is among the most porous naturally-occurring substances on earth, and porous materials with lots of dead air spaces tend to be good insulators rather than good conductors of heat. Metal and glass are great conductors of heat and that's precisely what makes them such horrible pipes.. They won't stay lit because the walls of such bowls suck all of the heat out of the lit mixure within.
I know, I know - practically every meerschaum retailer in the business touts the cooling effects of meerschaum - but their marketing hype has nothing to do with the facts (nor do votes and polls). The world of meerschaum is cluttered with falsehoods and myths. I miss Fred Bass!