Problems Smoking Makes Me Want to Quit (UPDATE)

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Dec 11, 2012
Even if you've been smoking a while, it pays to revisit the basics.
This. When I was unemployed and smoking two bowls a day, my packing and technique improved a lot. Then I got a job, and I'm only smoking on the weekends - and sometimes, not even then. I also had some initial problems with moisture - some of which was a matter of drying tobacco and smoking drier blends, but some of which was as result of salivating. I would sometimes practice clenching indoors with an empty pipe, and I noticed that I was salivating a lot. As a result, I spent a fair amount of time holding my pipe in my hand so as not to drool down the stem, and it's only recently that I've gotten back to clenching. The salivation issue seems to have solved itself in the meantime, but if I feel a bit drooly, I'll just hold the pipe for that session and try clenching again later. My suspicion (in my case) is that since I'm drying out my mouth with heat and smoke, my salivary glands overcompensate.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
You definitely have some high quality pipes so it is definitely the technique. Also packing too loosely will lead to a hotter smoke and it will be tougher to keep it lit which will make you draw harder and create too much moisture. You probably would not believe how tight I pack my bowls and I get a cool dry burn every time. The moisture of the tobacco could be an issue so let me know what types of blends you are working with. You want to have some pretty good resistance before you light up so check your draw.



Sep 7, 2013
I definitely agree with cigrmaster, a loose bowl results in a hotter smoke, that is harder to keep lit and causes dreaded tongue bite if you don't know how to smoke like that. A tighter bowl results in a cooler smoke allowing for more puffing w/o tongue bite. Other advice is very sound, about technique, but i don't think the quality of pipe makes a difference, I have pipes ranging from 2 dollar mini cobs to a 400 dollar hand carved white oak churchwarden, and i can get a good smoke out of all of them. Granted i live in a semi-desert with low humidity. I would need to know more of your technique, but i can suggest, get a couple of cobs and pack 2 half bowls until you get the proper technique down.



Nov 25, 2012
I am going with technique also eastern :(

Since I am quite sure we are less than 100 miles apart I do not believe climate to be the issue. I had a lot of the same issues you speak of but as everyone here says "patience" is the key. Especially if the cob I sent you didn't help at all that is amazing as they are very forgiving most times. Keep on puffing and don't let it get to ya too bad. "This Too Shall Pass"



Sep 13, 2013
Very good info to all us newcomers.  I have some of the same issue at times. I do enjoy pipes and will learn it, it just takes time I guess.


Might Stick Around
Aug 28, 2013
Relatively new piper here. I managed to clear up a lot of my moisture problems when I realized that I was exhaling back down the stem of my pipe, thus blowing moisture to the bowl. After I trained myself to exhale out the corner of my mouth, things got a lot better. I know, pretty basic, but you may as well check for everything.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2012
First, thank you for all the replies. To answer a few questions I do not believe it’s the dryness of the tobacco. I have had this problem with super dry tobacco. However the tobaccos I am working with are Dunhill Royal Yacht, ODF and G.L. Pease Montgomery. I have this problem inside at the cigar shop so the humidity I do not believe is an issue. I could see it being a sipping and puffing issue. I do not quite understand the difference. I will work on my packing issues and update again.



Sep 7, 2013
Sipping your pipe is a gentle pull letting the smoke pool in your mouth slowly and pulling a little harder on occasion to keep the pipe lit. Puffing is a series of more rapid, harder pulls on the pipe creating puffs of smoke like a smoke signal. Sipping results in a cooler smoke, though it can increase humidity. Puffing creates a hotter, drier smoke, but has the problem of exhalation into the stem of the pipe, which creates drool in the pipe if you are not careful. The other thing to mention is aromatics vs. non-aromatics. Aromatic tobaccos are heavily flavored and often burn considerably wetter, so even though the tobaccos "taste" better, i recommend staying away from them until you get your technique down. You can't get much better tobacco than Dunhill so i doubt the tobacco is the issue, and as 05venturer is less than 100 miles from you, I doubt it is the humidity. Try spipping at your pipe more and taking it out of your mouth if you build up too much saliva, you will probably have to relight often. Aside from that, what people were not saying about the Peterson system is that the P-lip is designed for sipping and it's hard to do otherwise, so a Peterson P-lip might help your technique.
Smoke em if you got em!




Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
The pipe cleaner will always feel a little damp after smoking a pipe some. Cobs and briars it makes no difference. Nor will the blend matter. If your pipe makes a little noise run the pipe cleaner down it if not just keep sipping. My pipe cleaners always feel damp to the touch if they don't they are not needed.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
Chicago, IL
Yea, I've missed some of the remarks here, and it's about time to head home - but based on what Txbeerboy is saying, I'll double that the cleaner should be wet. That's the point of the thing! All the gunk that builds up in there is going to be moist (unless it dries out and then you need to ream down and drill out the insides, but that's no good). So keep using the cleaners, and the moister they come out the cleaner the pipe is left!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2013
Please don't give up. It took me almost 6 months to get rid of the moisture problem. It happened almost overnight though. I finally got my brain to sip instead of puff. My wet bowls and gurgling have now disappeared and my bowls all go down to just ash. And I'm smoking the same pipe and tobacco as before.
I found that the harder I tried the worse I got. Just keep at it and try to enjoy the pipe and tobacco. That is what it is all about. It will come in time.

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