John, it's funny. Between you and Shutterbug sloshing it back and forth, making each other more and more dogmatic (on other threads), I realize that I have never heard either Greg or Russ tell someone how to smoke their tobaccos. And, the reason is, we would all tell them to go blow it out their... tobacco scales. We can't say on one hand that someone shouldn't tell others what humidity to smoke their tobaccos and then turn around and try to use the words of experts to say likewise. This is baffling me, as well as amusing me. Which isn't hard for this goon of little brain that I am. H aha.
Do you listen to the PM Radioshow? One of the things that I hear over and over is that no one is an expert in this field, enough to tell someone else how to do this. You can only be an expert in your own "opinions." And, everyone has one of those. We can only give advice, give our story, and enjoy this thing we all do together.